About Lexi: "My name is Lexi, i'm 27 years old and in just over 2 years with diet/exercise I lost 312lbs NATURALLY. I am still losing and on a long term journey, but I hope by sharing my story others will know it's possible to change their own life."
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$7,714,385 bets placed
49.89% win rate
242,305 players recruited
64 games organized
1,612,689.1 lbs lost

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Fatgirlfedup's Spring Slimdown Dietbet
Fatgirlfedup's Spring Slimdown Dietbet
$35 Bet
811 Players
Join us to lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways & more!
View Game16 days left
$28,385in the pot

Previous Games

Fatgirlfedup's Fierce February Dietbet
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1,033 Players
$36,155 Pot
Fatgirlfedup's January Jumpstart Dietbet
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1,242 Players
$43,470 Pot
Fatgirlfedup's Fight to the Finish Dietbet
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409 Players
$14,315 Pot
Fatgirlfedup's Fall Fight Back Dietbet
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541 Players
$18,970 Pot
Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
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766 Players
$26,810 Pot
Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
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905 Players
$31,675 Pot
Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
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960 Players
$33,600 Pot
Fatgirlfedup's Summer Startup Dietbet
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Fatgirlfedup's Self Love in Spring Dietbet
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$31,570 Pot

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