Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why should I try DietBet?
There are a lot of different reasons to try DietBet, but perhaps the most powerful is that, well, it works. Simply put, DietBet is an online weight loss game that works because putting skin in the game (your bet) significantly increases your likelihood of success by making your commitment real. Add to that an incredibly supportive community, targeted micro-goals, and the chance for a cash prize, and it’s pretty hard not to lose weight while playing in a game. In fact, 96% of DietBet players lose weight (just check out some of these inspiring success stories!).
DietBet is based on scientific principles of behavioral change and has underpinnings in research from the University of Pennsylvania, Brown Medical Center, and the Mayo Clinic—all to ensure our weight loss games will actually help people lose weight. In fact, DietBet was the subject of a journal article by Brown Medical School that won the Obesity Society’s eHealth award.
So, try DietBet because it’ll work. Or try it because you want some extra cash to buy a new coat. Or try it because it’s full of incredible people just waiting to support you. Or try it because it’s pretty darn fun. Whatever reason is yours, we’ll be thrilled to have you join our community. You’ve got this.
2. How do you verify weight loss?
Because of the nature of our weight loss online, reliable weight verification is very important. That’s why we developed our special two-photo validation process. When you submit an official weigh-in, you’re given a time-specific “weigh-in word,” which you need to write down on a piece of paper. Then, you take two photos: one full-length photo of you standing on the scale, and one of the scale’s readout, with the weigh-in word visible. This process prevents players from submitting old photos or falsely reporting their weight.
Our team of DietBet Referees then individually reviews each weigh-in submission. If anything seems off, the weigh-in is rejected and the player is prompted to re-submit.
3. Wouldn’t it be easy to cheat?
We take the possibility of cheating very seriously, and have a comprehensive and structured process in place to prevent it.
The weigh-in process described above helps ensure that people do not reuse old photos or have somebody else weigh in for them, while the human review of each weigh-in provides an additional layer of security. Our Referees have played in DietBet games themselves, and know how to look out for red flags that an automated system would miss.
On top of that, we have automated algorithms that flag players’ accounts when unusual weight loss patterns are detected. If a player loses or gains weight in a way that seems suspicious or unhealthy, we reach out to them to address the concerns. Players whose accounts have been flagged must submit video weigh-ins until the flag is lifted. For any game where the bets are over $100, we require video weigh-ins for all players.
Given that these are weight loss competitions with real money on the line, we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to cheating. If anyone is caught not representing their weight properly, they will be ejected from the site without a refund and banned from playing in future games.
Ultimately, we’ve found that 99% of the players who join DietBet are here for the right reasons. They really want to get healthy, and they know that cheating the system is just cheating themselves. Still, we continue to be vigilant about cheating prevention, both to increase accountability and to ensure that each game is fair.
4. What is a video weigh-in, and how do you complete one?
If your account has been flagged for unusual weight loss activity or if you are playing in a high-stakes game, you will be required to submit a video weigh-in.
Completing a video weigh-in is very similar to completing a photo weigh-in, except that you are required to use a digital scale and will need to have a friend film you. Your video should begin with a full shot of you standing on the scale with your face clearly visible, then zoom into the scale to focus on your weight and the paper with your weigh-in word. You can see a sample video weigh-in here.
5. What are the differences between the two types of games? Which is right for me?
Our two weight loss game types are designed to help people with different weight loss and health goals.
If you’re looking to tone up for an upcoming event, drop those few pesky pounds that just won’t go away, or have constraints that don’t allow for long-term commitments, a Kickstarter game is what you’re looking for. Kickstarters are 4-week games where players bet on themselves to lose 4% of their body weight. There are always lots of Kickstarters to choose from with varying bet amounts, pot sizes, number of players, and overall vibe. Some even have celebrity hosts!
If you want to lose a significant amount of weight in a gradual, healthy, and supportive way, our Transformer is right for you. In Transformers, you bet on yourself to lose 10% of your weight over 6 months, with specific monthly targets that keep you on track and ensure your weight loss is manageable and safe.
For more guidance, check out this guide to picking a game, written from a player’s perspective.
6. Can I play in more than one game at once?
You sure can! We know that some players feel more motivated when they up the stakes by playing in a few games at once, or prevent post-win weight gain with overlapping games. You can play in up to 3 Kickstarters and 3 Transformer weight loss challenges at a time.
7. Can I submit one weigh-in for multiple games?
If you submitted an approved official weigh-in within 48 hours, you may be able to use that weigh-in for other games. When you go to submit your weigh-in for the new game, a prompt may appear asking if you’d like to reuse your previous weigh-in. If so, just select yes, then submit, and you’re all set! If you’d rather submit a new weigh-in, just decline the option and submit your weight as usual. If you are not prompted to reuse the weigh-in you will need to take and submit new photos.
8. Are these weight loss competitions? Won’t people want others to lose?
The beauty of the DietBet community is that players are in weight loss competitions against themselves, not each other. Plus, everyone is working toward the same healthy goals and knows firsthand the struggles, challenges, and triumphs of weight loss. These factors help to create a community of support and encouragement where players feel safe and form real, lasting connections. Players often say that the motivation they get from their fellow DietBetters is a more powerful incentive than the money in the pot.
9. What am I supposed to do in the game activity feed?
The game activity feed is the central hub where you’ll find the support, encouragement, and motivation we mentioned above. It’s where you can post a sweaty selfie after a great gym session, get recipe inspiration from another player, and receive support when things get frustrating. You can even connect your fitness tracking device so that you can easily share your workouts! If you’re in a hosted game, the activity feed is also where the host will share tips, announcements, and challenges throughout the game.
We recommend visiting the activity feed frequently to stay connected to the game and reap all the benefits of the amazing DietBet community. One of the beauties of online weight loss games is that you can choose exactly how much you want to contribute—post as frequently as you like, or get motivated by simply reading what others share.
10. What is MVP? How is it chosen?
During the invitation period of a dietbet, the Most Valuable Player (MVP) is the player who gets the most people to join the game by inviting friends. Daily winners are posted in the activity feed, as is the overall winner once the invitation period has ended. In the event of a tie, the player who got their friends to join first is awarded the title. In some games, additional prizes may be offered to the MVP.
11. Is my weight public? Will everyone see my weight and weigh-in pictures?
Absolutely not. All of your weigh-in photos are 100% private, and we will never share them for any reason. Other players will only see your weight if you opt to have your weight public. Otherwise, it will be visible only to you. You can control this in your profile settings.
12. I live in a different country. Can I still play?
You can (and we hope you do)! DietBet players are spread all over the world, and you don’t need to do anything different to join. If you live outside the United States, we’ll automatically convert your payment into U.S. dollars and you’ll be charged the equivalent amount in your country’s currency. You can also opt to use metric units in your profile settings.
The only difference for players in other countries is that we do not ship Surprizes internationally. If you win a Surprize in your Transformer game, we will deposit the equivalent dollar amount into your DietBet account.
13. How do players get disqualified?
In order to keep our games safe and fun places for everyone, players can be disqualified for violating certain policies. Disqualifying actions include:
- Unsportsmanlike behavior like harassing or embarrassing other players.
- Intentionally misrepresenting your weight or playing games in bad faith.
- Exceeding the maximum weight loss threshold for your game.
- Failing to submit an initial weigh-in during the 14-day weigh-in period.
- Failing to submit a final weigh-in.
Players who are disqualified will not receive a refund of their bet.
14. How do you prevent unhealthy weight loss?
Our players’ health is our number one priority. We want every member of the DietBet community to be healthy, which means losing weight in a gradual manner and stopping when you’ve reached a safe and stable place for your body. To enforce this, we do not allow players to join a game if their BMI is below 18.5 (considered underweight) or will fall below 18.5 by achieving the game’s goal.
To prevent our weight loss challenges from fostering drastic, unhealthy weight loss, each game has specific maximum weight loss thresholds. Players hitting these limits or exceeding them will be disqualified.
Kickstarter Maximum Weight Loss
- 12% of your initial weight or more
Transformer Maximum Weight Loss
- Round 1: 12% of your initial weight or more
- Round 2: 18% of your initial weight or more
- Round 3: 24% of your initial weight or more
- Round 4: 27% of your initial weight or more
- Round 5: 30% of your initial weight or more
- Round 6: 30% of your initial weight or more
Players are also disqualified for losing 12% or more in any round. For example, if your starting weight is 200 pounds, and you go into Round 2 at 192 pounds, you cannot lose more than 23 pounds in Round 2 (12% of 192).
1. Why are there no free games?
For a simple reason: because we want DietBet to be as effective a weight loss tool as possible. We’ve partnered with Brown Medical School to conduct research on financial incentives as a motivational tool for behavior change, and all of our findings confirm the importance of having some money on the line. Just the idea of winning money isn’t enough to motivate people to make real change: it’s the idea of losing money that will push you to really lose the weight. With bet amounts starting at $10, we strive to have a selection of weight loss games that fit every player’s budget.
2. How much money will I win?
Your profit in any game you win depends on the size of the pot and how many fellow winners there are. Games with large pots and a lower win rate can have very high payouts, while payouts will be less for games with small pots and many winners. Speciality or custom game types can affect payouts and win rates.
3. How do I get my winnings?
Getting your winnings is as easy as clicking a button! Shortly after your game finalizes, your winnings will appear in your account as Points. If you don’t want to put your Points toward a new game, just go to Your Points and select “Request a payout via PayPal.”
If you don’t have a PayPal account, please email to discuss alternatives to PayPal. Please note such alternatives may result in payout delays and additional fees.
4. Can I get a refund if I drop out of a game partway through?
For Kickstarters, you can cancel up until 7 days from the game start date and receive a full refund.
For Transformers, those who pay upfront can receive a refund of their bet up until Day 14 of Round 1. This refund will not include the bet amount for Round 6, as upfront players get this round for free. Players paying monthly can receive a refund of their first month’s bet up until Day 14 of Round 1, and will not be charged for future Rounds if they drop out mid-game.
For all game types, exceptions may be made if a player needs to drop out for medical reasons after the refund window has ended. Note that for Transformer games, refunds will only be made for unplayed rounds. Documentation must be provided to DietBet for verification purposes.
We cannot refund players after a game has ended.
5. How much of the pot does DietBet take? Why do you need to take anything?
We want to reward our players with as much money as possible for accomplishing the super impressive task of achieving their weight loss goals. But we also need to keep the lights on over here at WayBetter HQ. Our fee is used to pay for transaction costs, Referees, our full-time team, and other company expenses.
DietBet’s fee is 10-25% of the pot, depending on the amount of the initial bet. Because this is taken out of the gross pot before payout out the winners, players who do not win don’t incur any fees.
Hosting a Game
1. How do I create my own game?
Hosting your own weight loss challenge is a great way to create just the game you want while motivating yourself and others. Plus, it’s really easy! On the homepage, just click on the “Create” button to get started. Then, you’ll be led to a page where you customize the game to your liking, including setting the start date, game type, and bet amount.
Once your game is created, the next step is to recruit players! Share on your social accounts, invite via email, or let your fellow DietBetters know that you have a game starting soon. Games are required to have at least 2 players.
2. I only want my friends to be in the game. Can I do that?
Yup! While most players find great value in the DietBet community, we know that sometimes you just want to surround yourself with a certain group of friends, family, or coworkers. To do this, just select “Invite-Only” when creating your game, then invite whomever you’d like!
3. How do I make sure my game is AWESOME?
As Host of your game, your players will look to you to set the tone, start conversations, and provide extra energy and motivation. Of course, every game will have its own personality depending on the players, but here are some ideas to make your game a rewarding experience for everyone:
- Post things in your game that get people talking! Give a specific prompt, like asking everyone to share their favorite healthy breakfast or one temptation they’ll face that week and how they’ll handle it.
- Add bonus prizes! Some hosts like to host giveaways that get people involved. For instance, you could ask everyone to take a sweaty selfie after completing a workout you posted, and give a prize to one randomly selected player who completes the challenge.
- Be open about how it’s going for you. Share your frustration about the late-night bowl of ice cream you couldn’t resist, or your happiness after a tough 5-mile run. By being honest about the ups and downs of weight loss, you’ll make others feel safe sharing their experiences.
- Set a weekly or monthly calendar. Start “Motivation Monday” where everyone shares motivation for the week, or “Fitness Friday” where players share an exercise tip or routine. Knowing what to expect keeps players engaged and makes everyone more likely to participate!
1. There are so many to choose from! How do I know which is right for me?
We feel your pain! With dozens of new Kickstarter games beginning every day, it can be a bit overwhelming to zero in on which one you want. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to find your perfect weight loss game by breaking it down into a few key factors:
Start Date: Are you rarin’ to go, or do you want a few days to put on your game face? You can filter in the Game Directory to find a game with your ideal start date.
Bet Size: Do you want to bet big to win big, or do you feel more comfortable with a smaller amount on the line? Use the Bet Size filter to search for only games within your desired range.
Number of Players: Would you rather play alongside hundreds of other DietBetters, or are you looking for a game with a more intimate feel? Think about what environment would be most supportive for you.
Host: Is a celebrity host something that would motivate you? From Shaun T to Jillian Michaels and Jamie Eason, one of our inspiring hosts usually has a game starting soon.
Still need guidance? Check out this great rundown on picking your perfect game from DietBet player Lisa S.
1. How much weight do I need to lose each month? What happens if I miss a month?
Because we want our Transformer games to cultivate gradual, sustainable weight loss, we set monthly weight loss targets for players to meet along the way to the big 10%. If you meet your Round goal and submit an official Round Weigh-In, you’ll split that month’s pot! Here are the benchmarks to hit (all relative to your initial weigh-in):
Round 1: 3%
Round 2: 6%
Round 3: 8%
Round 4: 9%
Round 5: 10%
Round 6: 10%
If you miss your Round goal, or don’t submit an official weigh-in, don’t worry! You can still win future Rounds and the big pot at the end of the game. Note that to prevent unsafe sprints at the end of the game, players must weigh in at the end of Round 5 and have lost at least 6% of their initial weight to qualify for Round 6.
2. What are my options for paying?
Players can choose to pay for all 6 months upfront, or pay month-by-month. Here are the pros and cons of both:
Upfront: To reward players for paying their full bet upfront, they get to play Round 6 free. That means 6 months for the price of 5! The downside is that if you choose to drop out midgame, you will lose your bet payment for future rounds.
Monthly: Monthly players have more flexibility when it comes to dropping out midgame. However, they pay full price for all 6 months.
1. Can I lose weight while playing in a Maintainer?
The Member Maintainer is intended for people who have reached a healthy weight and are ready to maintain, not lose. We know that weight fluctuations happen so the goal is +/-3% of your current weight.
2. How much money will I win?
As with all DietBet games, winnings are unpredictable. The good news is that because this is a special members-only game, players share 100% of the pot!
1. What do I get with DietBet Membership?
As a DietBet Member, you get access to features that help make your game more fun and boost your odds of success. This includes:
- Weekly verified Progress Weigh-ins that keep you motivated and accountable
- The chance to win exciting Progress Prizes every week when you submit your Progress Weigh-in
- Weekly goal-setting journal to help you track your progress
- Personalized Referee weigh-in feedback
2. How do I submit Progress Weigh-Ins?
You can submit Progress Weigh-ins from the My Membership screen or any of your active games at any time during the week. If you have not completed a Progress Weigh-in yet during a given week, you will see a prompt to weigh in. If you have already completed your Progress Weigh-in for the week, you will not be able to submit another one until the following week. The deadline to submit a Progress Weigh-in each week is Wednesday at 11:59 PM, PT, and the week resets on Thursdays.
Note that if you submit an initial, final, or round weigh-in for your game, it will automatically be applied as your Progress Weigh-in and enter you in that week's Progress Prize drawing.
3. What is a Progress Prize?
Progress Prizes are exciting prizes randomly given to DietBet Members who have completed a Progress Weigh-in during the previous week. The prizes vary from week to week,
and are meant to reward Members for holding themselves accountable with regular weigh-ins. You must submit your Progress Weigh-in by Wednesday at 11:59 PM, PT to be entered
into that week's prize drawing. The specific prize and the number of winners are announced in games on Thursday, and by email on Mondays. All prize winners will be notified
via email on Thursday.
Note that only one Progress Weigh-in per week is allowed, so nobody has more than one entry in the drawing.
4. What is a Member journal?
Every time you submit a Progress Weigh-in, you will be prompted to update your Progress-Tracking journal. The journal guides you through a series of quick, simple questions designed to help you reflect on how you did over the past week and set new goals for the upcoming week. You can easily see the previous week's goal, as well as older entries, which can help you keep track of your progress and understand what factors help you succeed. You can control whether your journal is public or private in your settings.
5. How long does Membership last?
There are several Membership offers to choose from that have different lengths to fit your needs best. Membership offer types depend on if you join with a game or ad hoc, and what kind of game you join Membership through.
6. How much does Membership cost?
Each Membership offer has different length-based price. Membership offer types depend on if you join with a game or ad hoc, and what kind of game you join membership through.
7. Will my Membership auto-renew?
Each Membership offer has different settings with auto-renew. The offers state if auto-renewal is turned on or off. Once you become a member, you can verify or check the auto-renewal status on the Membership page. If you want to turn off auto-renew, you can contact customer support by emailing at any time.
8. Can I get a Membership refund?
Members can get a refund for their Membership fee within the first 7 days of by emailing and requesting one. The Membership refund period is the same for all Membership offers.
9. Can my Membership get revoked?
Player safety and keeping our games fair are both very important to us. For that reason, there are a few reasons why Membership could be revoked.
Body Mass Index (BMI).
You must have a BMI of at least 18.5 to be a DietBet Member. You will be asked to provide your height during your first Progress Weigh-in. If your BMI falls below 18.5 while you're a DietBet Member, your Membership will be suspended until your BMI is above 18.5 again.
Prohibited Actions.
If a Member is caught cheating or engaging in any of the prohibited actions laid out in the game rules, their Membership will be immediately revoked with no refund.