Today is DAY 1 for our Gym Angel "Lose It" 28 day contest...officially join us here www.dietbet.com/buffmother
Day 1 is here!! I'm fired up because my scale was already nicer to me today than yesterday-- it's got mojo already!!
As your leader....I will be posting daily workout ideas for you- most of the workouts only require a resistance band and minimal time...just 11 mins most days.
You can find the daily workouts on the GYM ANGEL facebook page www.Facebook.com/gymangelbrand
and here within our DietBet game.
You can get a free PDF containing all 28 days here-- http://buffmother.com/join-newsletter/
Also, I have an app that contains the same program! Info on that is here:
Be sure to keep inviting your friends to join in...Aug 19th MVP will win a bottle of Gym Angel's Slim Angel and Detox Angel
DietBet.com/BuffMother game starts Aug 19th! JOIN US~
- Goals= Workout for at least 11 minutes EVERY DAY during the Game
- Use the suggested workout ideas, diet challenges, daily themes and fitness focuses to keep you on track towards winning the bet and long-term success.
- Encourage others with comments, friendly competition and through tags, etc..
- EVERYONE is welcome to join!! Males and Females, Kids, Adults and even PETS!!
- Post for accountability SOMEWHERE! On www.DietBet.com/buffmother, In my private women’s only site http://TeamBuffMother.com On Facebook, twitter, instagram….accountability is KEY!
- You are highly encouraged to snap a workout proof photos and weigh in often for this challenge…I’d love to see them!
Workout ideas are based upon my workout DVD system that uses bands and my butt or abs series of workouts. Each of the SlimChick workouts are only 11 minutes in duration, so you have no excuses. I am placing the workouts on my YOU TUBE for FREE during the Diet Bet game only: www.YouTube.com/BuffMother
Normally you’d need to purchase them through http://buffmother.com/shop
DAY 1~ Hey ya!!
Today’s suggested workout – Upper Body- SlimChick Purple: http://youtu.be/gTj6ONDnqKM
Week #1’s Fitness Focus~ Build Endurance.
Endurance is your aerobic fitness. It's what allows you to Go, Go, Go!! This week take some time to strive to be MORE ACTIVE! Here's some ideas on how to increase your ENDURANCE:
• Walk more- take your dog or kids for a walk, us a pedometer and measure your steps, strive for 10,000/day
• Stand more- refuse to sit unless 100% necessary, try a standing work station
• Do more cleaning- End of year cleaning time! organize, give away, sell unused items
• Get out in nature- hike or bike on trials near your home, do some landscaping, outdoor planting, etc...
• Join a running club or sign up for a race, it will give you the motivation to hit the pavement. BTW- running outside is so much more effective than on a treadmill, try it!!
• Buy a heart rate monitor and USE IT!! Get in your aerobic zone and strive to stay there for 20, 30, 40, 50 or even 60 mins!! You'll be amazed at how quickly your heart will get stronger and how fast your endurance improves!
Week #1’s Diet Focus~ Drink More Water!
A good goal intake is at least half of your body weight in ounces daily, but often times up to 1 gallon a day is recommended for those with higher protein intake and for those who consistently workout. Water is vital for flushing out toxins in your body and the transport of nutrients to your cells. Key things to keep in mind are that when you initially up your water intake you may retain water for a day or two, but then your body will regulate itself and you'll find that the consistent higher intake of water will help you NOT retain water. Beware that too much water can be dangerous...if you find that you are cramping or constantly thirsty despite drinking tons of water or light headed, you may be consuming too much water and flushing minerals and electrolytes from your body. If that's the case lower your intake and consider supplementing with some sodium and other minerals.
Today’s Diet Challenge
Eat some Fish. Each day of the week we have a set diet challenge that is meant to get you thinking about your food intake and help you get out of the "grind" of eating the same things all the time. Variety in food intake is vital for nutritional and mental reasons. Try some fish today! Tuna, Salmon and Tilapia are some of the fish I eat.
Today’s Personal Challenge
Text a lot Tuesday...why you ask. It's a fun way to stay connected, encourage others and to quickly let someone know you are thinking about them. STRIVE to text a lot today. My goal is to scroll down through my text list and say HI! to some of those LOWER ON THE LIST, lol!
That's all for now!! Have fun with this challenge~ We can do it!! -Your BuffMother, Michelle