I have a dear friend who became paralyzed from the waist down in a high school pole vaulting accident (people actually pole vault!?). We're the same age now. This is one of those times, we all have those times in our lives where we can either be a victim or a survivor. My friend, she is a survivor. She is never sorry for herself and in fact went on to be a paralympic champion. Even today she gets up before the sun to marathon train in her wheelchair (in cold Alaska or steamy Arizona). She eat to fuel her active lifestyle even though only half of her body works. She is part of the reason I am active everyday. It's a habit for me now but initially that habit took time to build. There is no excuse for if there was, she was entitled to it more than most of us are.
She travels the WORLD now not only competing but coaching and motivational speaking to groups everywhere. She is the power of " I CAN. I DO."
(I am not always this glam but I can get it together for a cocktail party when I have to)
If she isn't inspiring you maybe this will.