So, like I posted last week, I've decided to go to the gym every thursday evening for a 1-hour fat-burning class, followed by a 1-hour power yoga class. The thing is, I was scared out of my wits to go to the fat-burning class.
Last week on thursday, when I finally scraped my courage togerther and went to the gym. Now, what you need to know about me (maybe you recognize some things in yourself) is that
A) I'm really insecure about group lessons, because I either get bored or I can't keep up at all, in which case I'll just leave and never come back.
B) the Fat-Burning class is really popular, thus crowded, and I don't like crowds, especially not if I need to get all hot, bothered and sweaty.
C) I get nervous really easily. I'm not kidding, I even get nervous for my birthday, or if people come to visit, or if I have to go somewhere I've never been before. It's embarrasing to admit, but there you go.
D) I have these weird muscles in my lower legs which cramp up after 8 minutes of moderate exercise (either the muscle itself is too short, or the muscle membrane is, in both cases your muscle gets cut off from the oxigen flow in your blood), making it really hard to actively run or walk or dance. (I can swim and bike without problems though.)
So I went to the gym, all jittery and with frayed nerves...
and the class was cancelled... Teacher was sick.
But yesterday I gave it another shot, and it was wonderful! I could actually do most of the moves (with really light weights, but hey!) and kept up with the group reasonably well, which shouldn't be a suprise, because I'm young and most of the ladies in the group are actually over 50, but for me it was nothing short of a miracle. I couldn't do any of the ab-exercises, but instead of feeling embarassed, I laughed so loudly at myself the teacher checked on me at the end of lesson, asking what I thought was so funny. I'd laughed because I did a blogilates ab-challenge two days before the fat-burning class and was so sore my abs just said: "no." to any move involving them. I thought it was hilarious. No shaking or extra pain or anything, just a plain "no."
So I had a great time and next week I'm going to fat-burning again! So points to me for doing something new and having fun while doing so. :) HAPPY!
Anything new on fitness and/or sports and/or exercises you're happy you tried? Let me know!