My number one asked question is, "Did you lose your weight on weightwatchers only and not exercise?" YES i exercised!!! :) I guess since I post pics of my meals and dont really post exercise pics people assume I don't work out. When I hit lifetime I stopped exercising as strictly. Instead of "working out" 3xs a week like I used to, Now I do activities that get me lots of steps to earn activity points. For example my favorite ways to earn steps is yard work, gardening and pulling weeds. I feel like I work up a good sweat doing these and then I feel so accomplished afterwards. Plus it makes my home look beautiful. Back to my pre-goal days: I worked out 3xs a week while I was losing weight. I started out walking 3 1/2 miles 3xs a week in my neighborhood. After I felt like I was able to do that wthout feeling like I was dying (LOL), I started walking/jogging 3xs a week. I am a mom with 2 small kids, work full time at a children's hospital and commute 50 minutes each way everyday so there isn't tons of time to workout. Plus I dont want my workouts to take away time from my kids. So I would take them in the stroller! They loved our evening family time and we would talk about all the things we saw while out in nature. On days it would rain I would do workout DVDS or Wii fit. I went on my local yardsale sight and bought a whole box of unopened richard simmons workout DVDs for $10. I know you're probably laughing BUT I LOVE doing his workout dvds. The crack me up, they are fun, I work up a sweat and my kids love dancing around the room trying to"work out with mommy." When I swapped to evening shift for 6 months when I moved departments at work, after we would drop my oldest off at school me and my youngest would hit up the walking trail at the park to get in my exercise. I feel like my exercise has gone down a lot since I'm at my ww goal weight. This dietbet has definitely recharged my desire to work out bc I'm definitely competitive and I see this as a challenge. This won't be easy for me because I'm at goal. For me to drop 4% of my body weight is going to be hard. BUT I never back down from a challenge and I'm totally excited about this!!! I went on the facebook marketplace and found a lady selling a brand new treadmill that retails for over $300 on amazon and she'd only used it twice. I was able to snag it for $80 and I bought it and put it right by my bed. I'm a total christmas movie junkie (although i rarely have time to ever watch tv or any movies really). So I've told myself I can watch my IPAD and watch some fun Christmas movies AS LONG AS I'm exercising on the treadmill. I plan on doing it after the kids go to bed. I have weightwatchers down to a T. I know exactly where I want my weight to be every month for my lifetime weigh in and I know how to cut weight. I tell my friends and family all the time I can cut weight like a wrestler going to weigh in LOL. So don't be surprised when I go into beast mode folks. Because rest assured, after my initial weigh in for my dietbet has started....... IT'S ON!!!!!!!!! What's your favorite ways to get in a good workout at home??? Or are you a gym person?? I was a member of planet fitness when I was working evening shift for about 6 months and was able to go a couple of times a week. When I swapped back to days I cancelled it bc they dont have childcare and I always have my kids in the evenings. So give me some fun workout ideas!!!! All the motivation I need it literally putting my money where my mouth is and of course..... HALLMARK MOVIES BC I LOVE CHRISTMAS :)