Hello there !
If your here it's because you've fallen off too. We all have different reasons how we got here, but now we have realized how far we've gone and how much we've gaine! I share the same concern that a lot of you face; a Yoyo lifestyle. This is when your up and down and up and down with your fitness, your healthy eating, proper water consumption or (D) ALL OF THE ABOVE.
Staying focused and consistently maintaing a healthy lifestyle is a struggle in today, but it is not impossible! With a few steps, lots of support and encouragement WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER! Lets have fun while getting motivated and making a choice to change our lives.This is a challenge but not a race, there is NO finish line a healthy lifestyle is a daily choice to do better.
The change starts in our minds. Our bodies are capable of miracles, mothers you've witnessed this, we can do anything we put our minds intention to doing. So why is it so hard to just get started? Check out a list of some of the things that have helped me personally get off the couch and into a healthier space.
How to get back moving after falling off the wellness wagon:
- Get frustrated- You have to be fed up and ready to make a change for YOU.
- Get support- Find someone to help you stay motivated and to hold you accountable.
- Make a plan- A realistic idea of what you will change and how to track your goal.
- Don't put it off- Start today! No more "next week" talk, do it now.
- Get free apps- - A great way to track progress and build skill (Nike+Training my fav)
- Start small and praise yourself for each accomplishment!
- Drink more water! (A gallon would be awesome!)
- Walk before you run (30 minutes walk)
- PLAN to have fun with your fitness (dance to your favorite playlist to start)
I hope these steps help you. These have been a few of the things that motivated along with DietBet. DietBet is the best support network for fitness I've ever had and it's the perfect way to kickstart a new weight lost journey.