So here we are- close to the 1 week goal! I have been dilligent in my protocals and I have lost between 6 to 7 lbs! It kinda freaked me out because I am almost at my 4% total weight loss! I figured there were a few factors into this weight loss- 1) I had an entire bag of popcorn all by myself the night before my weigh in--- yep I did. 2) I am trying AD (Alternate Day) Fasting and weighed myself on the morning after my lite day. So... I am cautiously optomistic. But let's be real, I'm happy! The work outs are grueling but over quickly- the meal prep is so easy and Dr. Sara is so wiling to help us as a group to be successful! It's like having a personal trainer as your best friend!
A little bit of background on me..... I used to be a figure competitor and would spend countless hours in the gym and countless hours preparing food that I would eat in like 30 seconds because the portions were so small! Then I would obsess about then next time I could eat something. It lead to a very warped view on food and a very easy 20 pound weight gain. I believe I am recovered mentally- but are we ever truly satisfied with our progress and our weight? Not me! I need to drop those 20 pounds like zombie baby about to eat my brains! he he. I will attach a pic of my in my last comp because I would love to look similiar to that eveeeery day. Like I said, I am about 22 pounds heavier than that photo. I just love the way Dr. Sara looks lean 365 and I want to be like that too!
So I guess I should trust the process and keep on trucking along! It's not to difficult- everything is already layed out for us- we just need to follow the plan. I will motivate you if you promise to keep me motivated! Who's with me?!?