This is not just a story about Beachbody changing my life, although there is definitely truth to that statement. This transformation story started long before Beachbody.
I was always an athletic person. I have been playing sports since before I was 10 years old. I was a “thick” kid. I have struggled with weight ever since I was a young child. I was built like my brother who was a phenomenal athlete. I strived to be just like him. He was my idol growing up, my protector and my guardian angel. For that reason, I did not get bullied at all in school because my brother would take care of that for me! The fact that I played a lot of sports allowed me to also adopt horrible eating patterns. There was no regard to good nutritional habits or healthy eating in general. When you adopt the pattern of unhealthy eating as a child and continue that pattern into adulthood, it is so difficult to change when it is the only way you’ve ever known. Pepsi and pizza were the main food groups in my life. There was a time when I would drink between 6-10 cans of pop during the school day and would not be hungry for food. It was not intentional, but I was so dependent on it, I didn’t notice what it was doing to my body. Some time into the school year after that habitual routine, I needed to go through blood tests and was told that I had low blood sugar. We found that because I was starting to get dizzy and often felt like passing out during the school day. The only thing I changed as a result was not having AS MANY cans of pop.
Fast forward to 23 years old. My roommates moved away, my college boyfriend and I were a bit rocky, I had a newer job after college and I was living in a house with 6 girls I didn’t know. All excuses for what I was about to do to my body and life. I stopped playing volleyball (my love) for whatever reason. I would come home from work (most of the girls were still in school) and I would swing by Burger King right on the corner of my street. I was a bit shy with the girls and would go straight to my room. I had a big room and had everything I needed in there to be comfortable for the rest of the night including my whopper and fries. THIS became my new routine with the exception of getting to the point where I was supersizing. A year and a half later I had grown to 80 pounds heavier. Looking back, I must have had blinders on because I didn’t even realize I was that heavy. Here’s what I did know…. Elastic skirts were my new friend, layering my clothes was a new way of life, and the positive attention I would get from people turned into snubbing and being ignored or overlooked. I felt horrible inside… physically AND mentally. I felt unimportant, unloved and looked down upon by many people that once acted differently towards me. I have to thank one person in particular and will not name this person, for how they treated me. It was their poor treatment that really made me aware of what I had done to myself. THIS was the turning point for me. I put an end to the whoppers and regular pop. In fact, I put an end to ALL fast food. I started walking after work because I was not in shape to run. I CHANGED my bad routines and it truly was life changing. For a year and a half, I caught a glimpse into the life of a heavy individual. I understood that heavier people were treated because of the way they look and with no regard at all for the person they are on the inside. It took me another year and a half to take off that 80 pounds, but I did it! I then knew what I was capable of becoming with that type of lifestyle. I went back to my volleyball, I only drank diet pop (I still know that is not a good diet), yet I still dabbled in fast food.
By the time I was 33, I had my weight loss routine. I would join WW about twice a year saying "it kept me in check". It did keep me in check. for the brief time I followed the program and was motivated, I would journal my food, watch what I was eating and increase my activity. I became a master at manipulating the program. You could skip a week, which I always took advantage of because that would allow me to only have to watch what I was eating for 2 weeks out of the month instead of 4. There were many excuses I had for losing/gaining and losing/gaining. I became pregnant with my first child at 33. I had a few issues in early pregnancy so I had to stop playing volleyball when I was 7 weeks pregnant. Old habits crept in quickly! By the time I had my first child, I had gained 58 pounds. My son was born at a very healthy weight at 9 lbs. 4 ounces. I did NOT have gestational diabetes; I simply ate A LOT of french fries and pizza! I would have my breakfast at 7 am and by 9 am I would feel like I hadn't eaten in days. Naturally I would have another breakfast! It was a struggle to lost the weight. I remember how overwhelming parenthood was the first time around. I was sad and disappointed in myself for getting to be that weight again. I had a goal of losing it in 1 year, but in all actuality it probably took me about 2 years.
Pregnancy #2 came at age 37. I had been down the road before! Sweets were the food of choice this time. I had my 2nd child 2 weeks shy of turning 39. I had gained 52 pounds and she weighed in at 9 lbs. 6 ounces. I was extremely confident this time around. I KNEW I could lose the weight. I am competitive and a motivated individual AND there was the little detail about having to go back to work and needing to fit into work clothes. My new mantra became “fit by 40”. I wanted to lose that baby weight by the time I turned 40, which was coincidentally 1 year later.
At the end of August 2012, I started my old routine immediately. I joined WW. I was losing weight slowly as I manipulated the program. SO motivated in the first 3 weeks and then starting to skip the meetings little by little. A good friend at work introduced me to the Insanity workout with Shaun T. This was my first Beachbody workout since Taebo years ago. Month 1 was tough, but didn’t know how tough it really was until getting to month 2. I hurt myself the first week of month 2. One thing about me is that I AM NOT A QUITTER. I took 1 week off to heal and started month 2 over again. I completed Insanity! I started it again and completed it again. I started it yet again and half way through another friend of mine (who is now MY coach) introduced me to Les Mills Combat. She had an accountability group starting and wanted to know if I wanted to be a part of it. I didn’t know anything about this group. What it was about, what did I have to do, etc. I bought Combat from her and joined her accountability group. I also ended up buying Shakeology from her. I would have never called myself a “shake” type of person, but was helping her out and said that I would try it. I’ve been drinking it ever since! It gives me energy, curbs my hunger and has so many benefits associated with the shake. I became really involved in the group. I posted in there every night after my workouts; I commented on other people’s posts and became fast friends with amazing people. In conjunction with my accountability Combat group, we had 4 of us that started a wellness program at work called “Lose & Win”. We received outlines of topics from United Healthcare of what we could speak about each week. I took great pride in this program and was serious about changing lives. We held the sessions in the building cafeteria weekly, we researched additional facts as they applied to people in the office so we could present in our weekly sessions. We called local gyms, businesses to see what we could get donated for the group to entice people to come each week. The program was a HUGE success. We did weekly weigh-ins, had lunch time walks, people were eating healthier and I felt like I was under a microscope, which motivated me to “walk the walk”. THIS was the accountability I needed. I noticed that people would make nutritional decisions based on what others in the group were doing. I WANTED to help people. I loved weighing people in each week and seeing not only the physical transformation, but the mental transformation that was going on for them. It meant more to me because I had been there and I KNEW that feeling from long ago. Les Mills Combat was my ultimate favorite Beachbody workout. I adopted a clean eating regimen when I started this program and found that nutrition is everything. If you’re going to commit to a program you might as well go all in! I lost 17 inches and 11+ pounds during this 60 day program. While in my challenge, I would bring it into work and would invite a few women to workout with me. They loved it so much THEY joined the next accountability group. It was during this time that my friend had approached me about being a Beachbody Coach. It would be a lifetime of accountability for me. I could inspire people, lead people and help people. So I signed up under her! I WANT to change lives; I just need to be given the opportunity. Exercise is SO important for your daily life. I did some research with my Lose & Win program at one time and it explained about the physical affects stress has on your body. It puts you in a fight-or-flight response and releases harmful chemicals in your body. When you are exercising, your body takes care of those chemicals. When you’re not, they wreak havoc on your internal organs.
I ended up blowing my goal away. I think I reached my pre-pregnancy weight by the time I was done with Les Mills Combat. My workout programs have continued. I went on to complete Insanity: Asylum and I’m in the middle of the T25 program. I have the rest of the year planned out and I have a plan for the first part of next year. I love what Beachbody has offered me and I am very thankful for the wonderful people I have met and formed friendships with through Beachbody. I am thankful for my husband who is very supportive of my fitness goals and my sister and brother-in-law who keep me signing up for 5ks. I only hope to pay it forward to people along the way and take them with me in my journey for healthy living.
To the 20 somethings in the world. Don’t take your young lives for granted. I watch many people my age now having heart attacks, cancer, etc. You NEVER know when your life will take a turn. Live healthy and happy and take care of your bodies. I have a full time job, 2 children, 3 dogs and 2 houses to manage. At the end of 2010, I was laid off from my place of employment. A place I thought was my safe haven and never had to worry about. I then got a job a month later in Ohio and had to move my family from Chicago to Ohio by February. I have a house I can’t offload due to the housing market (in Chicago). Why would I tell you that? I tell you that because I have stress, but I am no different than anyone else in this world. My stress is nothing compared to the many people living with a terminal illness or dealing with a loved one that was taken from them suddenly. If you are heavy, you can do something about it! You can choose to let your stress consume you or you can find an outlet. A healthy outlet. I laugh when people tell me they’re too old. I’ve never felt as young as I do right now in my skin and I am loving every minute of it. My programs allow me to escape from the stresses of daily life that everyone experiences. I supplement my workouts with Spin here and there and running for no other reason than it's good exercise, good to switch it up and I love the company of friends and family when participating in those other types of exercise. Whatever your situation…. New Moms and Dads, 40+, overweight… you are worth it! Get healthy!