I am now a vegetarian. This is the first time announcing that publicly. I have successfully been without meat and broths for 1 month. I can't say I'm vegan because I definitely had some cheese and eggs a few times. But one thing at a time right?
I've been eating vegetarian since January 07 2015 but I have been keeping a mood journal since the beginning of December 2014. I took a look at it this morning and what a difference! I was recording pain and low energy most days. A week in to my no meat diet - that changed! I have good amount of energy most days, the pain is gone and my skin is starting to look better! I haven't seen a major change in weight but then again I haven't really been making an effort. This month I'll be focusing more on my nutrition. Make more meals at home and eat raw in the mornings during the week.
I've almost lost 2 pounds this week and I haven’t worked out. What I have done is this:
- Avoided the sweets
snicker minis my coworkers puts on her desk - Moved More
Every hour I make sure to get up from my desk. I take the stairs for no reason 3x a day and visit other floors to use the restroom. I also take a walk at lunch - Got a smartphone
I started tracking what I ate and having a smartphone makes it way, way easier. I've been using the app Loseit and it works great. It also gives me charts and since I'm a data geek, I love it. - Drink water like a boss
I'm convinced the almost two pounds I've lost are because of this.
My goals for next week are to:
- Eat raw until noon.
- Start the February’s Blogilates workout calendar from day 1
- Continue what I did this week
- Post a selfie at the end of the week
Hm, my goal was to lose 15lbs this year but it seems I'm getting a head start. :)