I've lost 20# so far..... and gained some significant fitness over the last few months.
Am I happy with that? Yup. Thrilled. However, I'm also going to have to find a way to be comfortable with some of my fitness goals taking a backseat to my body recomposition goals. I row with a competitive masters team, and am in a boat heading to San Diego Crew Classic in 6 short weeks. Right now, I'm S-L-O-W.... relative to this group of gals. And relative to myself during other seasons. Technically strong, but speed slow. We had a sprint rowing pratice this morning and it was not a happy thing for me.
I warned the coach before I accepted a seat that my personal priorty now is weight loss and that means I'm not gonna be as fast as I might otherwise be. Long term, this is what is best for me- mentally and physically. I joined this DietBet in part to keep me focused on that. It's far to easy for me to allow others to derail my personal goals. "Oh, I should just start eating to perform now so I don't let them down (even if it means I regain 20# and torpedo my own goals)."
So, I'll be where I'll be come SDCC. Slower than I'd like. And come May, I'll be at goal weight. Then, I can get stronger and faster. Boom. No more trying to do two things at once, Julie. Pick one thing. I did- and I chose weight loss. And yes, I understand that weight loss and fat loss are not the same thing.... yada yada yada. I'm still borderline obese and need to drop pounds, and if I lose some muscle while still working out, so be it.
Now, to end this on a positive note, I want to remind myself of the good things that have come from my efforts the last 8 weeks so I don't obssess over my sucky sprint numbers from the workout this morning:
- I have lost just shy of 20#.
- I have dropped 1-2 pant sizes and a bra size or two.
- I lost 23 inches.
- I can do 10 consecutive knee pushups again.
- My heartrate has come down roughly 25 bpm in the last 4 weeks- better overall fitness.
- I can see muscle definition in my upper body.
- I stick to my food plan.
- I am hitting the same lifting numbers I was last year.
- I can erg for an hour at faster splits and the same HR.
- I make my workouts a priority.
I might be slow now, but I'm faster than yesterday. And more importantly, I'm keeping my personal goal the main thing. Remind me of that if I get off track, would ya?
(I'm in the crazy orange shirt and pink visor- isn't our view beautiful???)