The Big Climb Seattle is an awesome fundraising stair climb where 6,000 people hike up 69 flights at the Columbia Center in downtown Seattle to raise money for blood cancer research. This will be my third year participating, and I love being a part of raising money to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I recommend the event to anyone touched by leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, or other blood cancers (or any cancer at all!). It is so inspirational to see cancer survivors and victims being honored in a big way. Emotions run high on event day!
I work for a non-profit cancer research organization and currently manage a leukemia study. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society actually funded this study, which I didn't realize until AFTER I signed up for my first Big Climb. How cool! The study is in the last stages of researching a promising new chemotherapy, and I am hopeful it will give those with acute myeloid leukemia a longer life than the current standard of therapy.
I have been training for this event since Big Climb 2014, so I am excited and ready for the 69-flight challenge! I started a stair climbing group at work since our buidling is so huge. We climb 40 to 60 flights a day, depending on how we are feeling. Today we did 60! Here is my page if you want to learn more about the Big Climb and LLS:
Have you ever been inspired to challenge yourself physically to show support for others? It's a rewarding rush. Nothing like it. :) Share your story!