I'm 5 weeks into chemo and 4 months into exercise and eating right. I'm feeling good and strong. I know I'm winning more than a bet. I'm winning my life.
Today, when I got home from riding I got a call from my 15 year old daughter. She's in Utah at a treatment center for depression and cutting. She's been there since December and were praying she's home again this November. She's had 2 great home visits and another one is coming in September I didn't expect a call today. We'd spoken last night and she'd sounded really good. Today, however, I think the reality of my cancer finally hit. The pics of my shorn head made it real to her in a new way, and she was just so scared. She's afraid I will die and she's losing all this time together.
You see, this isn't my first fight with cancer. I had colon cancer 10 years ago when she was 5. And we believe that some of her problems now stem from being a little caretaker then. Children often believe that if they're "good" they can keep their parents safe and well. And so for years she bottled up any negative emotions until she couldn't feel anything. Thus the cutting.
So, on the one hand, I'm relieved to hear her tears even as it breaks my heart. It makes sense for her to be afraid and sad. She doesn't have to be the strong one. That's my job.
There's something else different this time around the last time I was tired all the time. I couldn't do much of anything. I continued working, but at home I mostly slept. I wasn't exercising, I didn't change any eating habits. I lost weight only because I had no appetite. I looked like shit and felt the same
This time is so DIFFERENT. While I now have one or two bad days a week, I'm mostly strong. I'm eating in a way that supports my body. I exercise 6 days a week, and I can tell a huge difference. If I need a nap, I take it, but I rarely need it.
The thing is, getting well, living healthy is not just about me. It's about Margaret too. She needs to know that I'm not going to leave her. Not now. Not this way. She needs to see that this is different. I hate that I can't show her on a day to day basis and I can't wait to see her sept 1. It's important to me and to her to know the truth. Yes I have cancer. Yes it sucks big time. And YES I'm going to come out of it healthier and stronger than ever.
Thanks for providing me with a place to share. We can all do this! Getting healthy is not just for us! It's for all the ones we love and all the ones who love us! We got this!