Week #2 in Jen Widerstrom's Summer Shake Down has me once again assaulting the gym for my usual high intensity workout. Calorie burn was a few hundred less than usual but I wasn't pushing myself all out due to my back being still in recovery from last week. Failure to win Jen's DietBet is not an option so I have to take care of myself to be able to work out hard and jackhammer this fat off my body.
This would've been Week #7 of my high intensity training but due to my back injury last Monday, I was unable to get my 5 hours of 84% maximum heart rate or higher last week. The scale obviously did not reward me with my usual weight loss for the week, so I'll have to work even harder in my diet to catch up.
My Summer Slim down bet is ending in a few days and I'm pretty sure I can make that weight within the required time as I'm around .6 pounds away from that goal. I've been thinking about not signing up for the next round of DietBet's until my back is 100%. I was considering Amanda A.'s Summer Shape up but it overlaps a few days and I doubt I'll be able to make the goal missing those days and me not being 100%. Sorry, Amanda :-( I will definitely be joining Bri's 2nd Contest (Transform into Summer) because she was very supportive in her first hosted game and probably stack that with Tony Horton's bet.
Good Luck to all Diet Better's on reaching their weight loss goals.