Well I have just completed my first Dietbet. It was tough. I had my birthday and my anniversary and a weeks holiday in that month! But I still hit the target. I put in a lot of time at the gym, but I still get confused. Should I do more weights, more cardio, eat more healthy fats, low carbs etc etc.
So moving on to this next month. I am just coming to the end of round one of the Transformer I joined, and that is really motivating for me. At the end of that bet I am going to Sri Lanka and Thailand with my mum on an adventure!
I have just signed up for Jazmyn-Amethests game. I follow her on IG and she is pretty cool so hopefully that will be a good support.
This 4% is another 8lbs which is quiet a lot - little bit daunted by that. ARRGHHH - Think I only just realised what that means! I will have to be at 197lbs!! OMG That is "ONE"DERLAND!!!
Last time I was there I was about 21/22 - having a great time, going on holiday and met my now husband!
ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Can I do it???? This is where my brain doubts me! But I have to kick its butt!
The only thing I have on this month is 2 parties - 1 I'm not interested in anyway and Foo Fighters gig! (that's gonna mean alcohol! But lots of jumping around too!)
So here's to it!
Kicking Butt in May!