Losing weight for your wedding doesn’t have to be another miserable task to add to your extensive to do list! We love you just the way you are (and we think your fiancé would agree) but we know you want to look and feel your best on your wedding day. That’s why we’ve assembling an online community of people who want to bet on themselves and work together to lose 4% of their body weight in six weeks! Welcome to the Wedding Day Shape-Up Challenge with The Knot!
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kelly and I will be your host for our Wedding Day Shape-Up Challenge. My job is not only to make sure you look and feel amazing on your wedding day but to make weight loss fun! (That’s right, FUN! So stop focusing on what you don’t get to eat because losing weight and keeping it off is all about trying healthy foods in new ways! And working out? I dare you to tell me you don’t enjoy going hard at the gym after your third cousin twice removed asks to bring a guest to your wedding.)
We are recruiting a diverse group of all different ages and fitness levels so no matter where you’re at today, you’re not alone! I promise there are ways to eat healthy foods and still be able to enjoy those cake tastings. It’s all about balance! And this challenge isn’t just for brides! The more people we get involved, the bigger the pot and the more fun this challenge will be! The challenge begins on May 5th so start recruiting (There are prizes for the players who recruit the most players), place your bets and get ready for the Wedding Day Shape Up Challenge! What do you have to lose?