So tomorrow I'm on my way to Vegas! I'm having my wedding there in October, so I'm trying to do some preplanning and scope out venues. I'm super excited, but also super nervous about staying on track. My fiancee and I are going for 5 whole days - Wednesday - Monday. We're staying in two hotels - neither of which have fridges or microwaves. So, I gotta be extra careful. Also, did I mention it's a 5 hour plane ride each way? Yikes! But, I'm not going into this without a plan.
First, I'm taking LOTS of snacks with me to avoid eating out as much as possible. I've got a ton of protein bars and powders (which normally I try to limit, but in Vegas will be healthier than eating out). I've also got some tuna and salmon in pouches and some bread for a protein filled snack/meal. Bringing some dried nuts and fruit too. I'll try to bring as much as I can, but since we will have a car, I can always go grocery shopping if I forget something (or wanna pick up a salad). And I gotta drink that water, especially since Vegas will be hot!
I'm going to pass on a few things in Vegas, too. I'm going to avoid the buffets. Normally I love them because I can eat my one meal a day there and be set for the rest of the evening, but that will be a receipe for disaster. I'm also avoiding cake tastings. Originally we were gonna do 3 cake tastings, but I'm pretty sure I settled on doing a giant bundt cake and I don't really need the sugar (it'll just put me to sleep). I'm also gonna do my best to avoid the alcohol. I'm not too much of a drinker, but the free drinks are super tempting while gambling. It's also a lot of calories that I don't need. No drunken wild nights in Vegas for me ... I'll save that for the bachelorette party ;)
I've got some restaurants planned out too for healthy options via Yelp, including a raw restaurant, a vegan place, and a greek place (because I've been really jonesing for some octopus). You can browse my Yelp bookmarks here: http://www.yelp.com/user_details_bookmarks?userid=pWlelwBYGwvzISHzauw6-A
Because I'm crazy, I'm currently in FIVE different dietbets - three kickstarters, and two transformers. I really wanna motivate myself to stay on track, so only time will tell if it'll keep me motivated or be a horrible idea. One of them ends RIGHT after I come back from Vegas too, however that one is only $10 (holla at my Fitbit pals), so if I lose out I won't sweat it too much. The others I have at least a week to get my weight back down if I go crazy. Eek! If I pull this off I'll be super proud.
I'll be sure to report back - good or bad - and let you know how I do. And for those who want to follow me more closely on my journey, add me on MyFitnessPal (username: gadgetive). I'll be posting micro updates there to keep myself accountable. And I'll be trying to track. We'll see how that goes.