I have never blogged before but what the heck. Too bad this doesn't have a copy paste function. Oh well.
A little background on me.
I have been involved with sports nearly all my life from ballet, gymnastics, weight training, karate, mixed martial arts, kick boxing and a Zumba instructor for a time. Hitting 50 and quitting smoking was tough but whent the hormones and family genetics kicked in that was something else. I went from being slender and athletic to chubby and discouraged. After getting injuried and sidelined too many times from Zumba. I turned to running. In trying to perfect my stride, I screwed up my knee or so I thought. A visit to the Ortho surgeon performing MRIs and X-Rays they found nothing they could fix surgerically anyway and was sent to PT. The physical therapist picked up on it right away (Seriously after all that!)
Since I started ballet and gymnastics at an age when my adult bones were growing, I damaged them. My right knee turns in and my tibia is slightly bowed. There is nothing they can do about it. It is what it is. Explains why I could not naturally step into stance in martial arts and always stepped into ballet 3rd position. So my imperfect stride (right toe hangs slighty to the right) is my perfect stride. I will never be fast and have to watch it. I spent most of the Winter pouting and not doing anything much at all.
As for strength training - I have my own gym including a treadmill in my garage. I have everything I need. Rachel McLish was my hero (1st Miss Olympian) and I have her strength training video on VHS. They don't make it anymore so... I found an old VHS/TV combo so I can still watch it. It is the best I have ever used. I am hoping this challenge will get me motivated adn out of this funk. Sorry to be so long winded but its been difficult. Accepting age and just giving in and living with it or fighting back.
I've ran a few 5ks and 1 10k interval mostly. Not the best time but I finished. I have a 5k 20 obstacle mud run in a little over a week. I've done them before so I know what to expect. Its just this last 20lbs that refuses to budge. I have been at the same weight for over a year and that needle does not want to move. I go on 10 - 12 mile bike rides when the weather permits. I am registered for a 10k this October on my 52nd birthday. I hope to be able to run the whole thing and not interval.
Thankfully, I was a certified Zumba instructor in basic, advanced, toning and Sentao. I still remember my routines and can do them in my garage. For those who don't know what Sentao is - it is dancing with chairs as a prop/equipment. Could not help but get a little giggle from Karina's move of the day - I know that one well. I have the equipment and knowledge but unfortuantely I have more excuses none of which are valid.
I use Sunday as my day of rest when I am not out riding my bike. I love to cook and rehad recipes to make them more healthy. Its good to have something healthy ready in the frig for those "I am notreally hungry but I am bored" moments. Also to prep for the next week to try to stay on track.
My husband and I ballroom dance as well (trust me amateurs). We get out when we can and twirl. I have been watching Dancing with the Stars since season 1. I remember when Karina came on - took my breathe away and made me think of days long ago. I have been hooked ever since.
My picture is one that was taken at Ballroom with a Twist in Seattle, Washington last year. I remember watching Karina perform. Yes Karina, I am the crazy woman in the front row with the black hat who wanted to know how you kept those costumes on LOL! Thanx for the hug. I really enjoyed the show especially when Maks jumped off the stage to dance with ME! I so wished I had gone VIP that year.
I am going VIP to the Perfect 10 show in Seattle this year. So sorry Karina won't be there. Hugs to you lady. Well enough about me... Lets get this party started!
Ok Day 3 ate well today and got 2 sets of the dips in. EYE OPENER my upper boady needs some work for sure. Got 10,000+ steps in on the trail - that equals about 4.5 miles. 3 days in a row thats a record so far. Tried on my green velvet backless gown for tomorrow at the Seattle Symphony. A little snug but nothing some grease and spanx won't cure. First time out dressed in quite a while. I will try to post a pix if I get a good one. I am still not friends with the camera... Good night everyone... tomorrow is another day.
Day 4 Wow I have a busy day ahead. As i have mentioned before I am a recipe rehaber. I love to hack recipes and make them healthier. I also have a 25 year old son who is Autism and highly functioning (thank God) but he hates veggies. I can get him to eat a few but want to get his to expand his horizons into healthy eating. I also watch recipe rehab and today's show had a great rehab on one of his favorites - spagetti and meatballs. Cool trick on how to add "invisible" veggies. Can he be fooled??? We shall see lol!!!
So today I shop, get in a 5k then off to the symphony. I have a rice 10 mile bike ride planned for tomorrow and then I cook and prep for next week. We will see... can I pull this rehab off??? Stay tuned... Later!