so what's a girl to do? Well dance of course!
Since I am lucky enough to work from home, I can let 'er rip and no one will ever know!
Yes, my work has me parked on my ass for a good chunk of the day, so what's the plan?
Yesterday was a trial run of said plan.
"The plan?" you ask.
Well, every hour of ass time, requires one song of choice of ass shaking.
Yup, that's it!
And it's fun, and I don't watch the clock to see when I can stop.
I pick fave songs, crank it up, and shimmy and shake~
Great sweaty fun, and I can give 'er for 4-5 minutes at a time.
Trust me, 4-5 minutes is enough at one time when you are a 5 foot tall woman who is the size of two grown men.
Yesterday I did 5 songs, so about a 20-25 min sweat session.
This morning I walked to the market and pick up fruit and veg and walked home.
So I will consider that my first song.
Sipping on an orange and green smoothie right now, drinking my bucket of water and getting my sound track lined up.