The Theory behind all of this.
Our ability to individualize your food plans comes from many scholars and doctors: George Watson Ph.D. basing his treatment protocols on oxidation based on the Krebs cycle. Rudolf Wiley Ph.D. later extended and described this further. Francis M. Potenger, M.D. and William Donald Kelly, D.D.S. found that some individuals derive their energy autonomically (via the neuro-hormonal system, under the control of the autonomic nervous system). William Wolcott further enhanced this by his theory of metabolic dominance: that either the oxidation system or the autonomic system is more active in any given individual. Choosing the correct eating guidelines based on your type and then being able to customize it further by limiting the foods that may be causing imbalances and ailments gives you the most individualized program to date. Being able to utilize macro-and micronutrients optimally will promote a heightened degree of well being. Energy will tend to enhance, allergies will often diminish or disappear and disease processes may be reversed. What the health...Let the healing begin. There is an ancient Ayurvedic proverb...
If diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.
If diet is correct, medicine is of no need.
We are all biochemically different, with unique genetically inherited nutrient requirements. For some people their bodies run off of a system referred to as the Oxidative system or the Krebs cycle. This is determined by the speed at which they convert nutrients into energy. These are considered either to be Fast oxidizers (converting food to energy quickly) or Slow oxidizers (converting food slowly) or Mixed oxidizers which are half way in between.
While others might use another system called the Autonomic nervous system (ANS) which consists of two branches known as the Sympathetic (fight or flight) the more active one or the Parasympathetic (rest and restore) less active types or a balance of the two. Knowing this become important in choosing the right foods in the right amounts. Any given nutrient or food can have virtually opposite biochemical effects in individuals or the different types.
Oxygen, Krebs Cycle and the Autonomic Nervous System
We all know that oxygen is essential to life. We can survive weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without oxygen. When oxygen drops the brain suffers irreversible damage, the body can no longer sustain itself and death occurs.
What does this have to do with diet typing? Oxygen and carbon dioxide play key roles in the production of energy, known as the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle). Inside each cell in our body are hundreds of tiny oval shaped organelles known as mitochondria. These oval shaped organelles are what are referred to as the body’s energy furnaces. This is where the nutrients extracted from our foods through the digestive process are converted into energy. This complex system is known as the Krebs cycle (discovered by Sir Hans Krebs).
Essentially the Krebs cycle involves a series of enzymatic reactions that transform carbohydrates (as glucose, then pyruvate) into intermediate substances. Proteins (amino acids) are broken down and fed into the cycle at different points, Fats (fatty acids) are split into smaller compounds known as ketones and then further broken down into a substance called acetyl-CoA in which form they enter into the Krebs cycle. The primary raw material used for the Krebs cycle is glucose (carbohydrates).
If insufficient oxygen is being delivered to the cells the whole process can be compromised. Knowing what diet type you are will allow you to know what ratio of fuel mix works best in your body. Protein types tend to burn up glucose too rapidly; therefore they require more protein and fat to run properly, while carbohydrate types burn glucose slowly therefore requiring a higher percentage of glucose (and less protein and fat) to fan the flames of the oxidation. If either one of these types eat a diet that is inappropriate in their ratios the result is insufficient energy (ATP) production and would become imbalanced as ATP is needed to carry out all of our biological functions. 80-90% of the body’s energy is generated through the Krebs cycle. When the ANS (autonomic nervous system) becomes more active the individual is not so dependent on the Krebs cycle for their sense of well being. In other words in these types they do not seem to experience the blood sugar crash that may occur in some of the protein types. In these types the activity of the nervous system overrides the oxidative process. The energy production and processing- is as central to the health of these types it is just not as dependent on the Krebs cycle,