As a new member to DietBet, I find the idea of group weightloss intriguing. I thoroughly enjoy participating in the board comments, reading them, liking, commenting etc. It truly does motivate me.
The last Dietbet I joined, I had a great start off, lost 97% in the first few days but then slowly gained back a little at a time. By the last few days of the bet, I had gained back ALL of what I'd lost PLUS one pound, so then I had 4 days to do as much as I could. I did end up losing almost 5 lbs with tht bet, but did no 'win'. I'm ok with not winning, I didn't earn it. But I also knew I needed to get right back in to it and joined two more right away!
Since I've joined this new round of Dietbet, I've cut carbs to 20-30 net per day. Tracking on MFP using a script that actually does show all my percentages, including Net carbs (and yes, I could do the math myself, but I like the visual of the pie chart and all that jazz).
I'm already feeling much better, more energy, sleeping better, and better moods. (likely more balanced hormones) I had been keto adapted for 2 years, and then " needed a change" so added back carbs, ended up having the normal cravings that come along with carbs, which led to eating junk. The next thing I new I was up 15 lbs and feeling like crap.
I've lost 5 lbs this week alone in the transtion, keto strips are nice and pink and I love seeing the results. I'm a visual person, so seeing goals met on mfp, pink keto sticks etc are all re-enforcers for me to keep going and be successful.
So if you see lots of posts from me, lots of liking, commenting etc... I NEED that, I need to participate and feel accountable to you and myself.
Thans for playing folks! Good luck! :D