So let's face it....I AM a CARBO-HOLIC of the very worst kind. Protein does NOT excite me the way that a huge bag of freshly popped kettle corn does or hot sour dough bread. I could snack and graze all day on carbs and be completely happy, except they leave me freeling like crap. Uncontrollable snacking on carbs pack the pounds on me big time and leaves me feeling tired and sluggish.
I'm not sure why I took a break from Diet Betting and hosting my own DB games, but it was a HUGE mistake. I'm not going to let that happen again. Staying away from DB for 6 months was way too long and resulted in nearly a 50 lb. gain. It feels great to be back on track again. This past month I have reclaimed my healthy habits. For an entire month I've been taking my vitamins and drinking water again. I also have been eating tons of fruits and veggies as well as protein. I did start walking again a little bit in the mornings....4 to 5.5 miles but didn't do it as consistently as I'd like to.
The 3 DB games that I am in and the one that I am hosting officially ends today. I am just one-tenth away from making my DB goal, so going to be very vigilant of every morsel that I put into my mouth.
I am excited to be hosting my 19th DB game which starts next Wed. on Aug. 19th. I decided that all my future games will start on Wednesday so early weigh-ins can begin on Monday and give everyone two extra days to release weight.
I love being a Master DB coach and hosting my own games. I am always very involved in the games I host as well as the other games that I have joined. Writing daily affirmations and posting them helps start my day off right. Anything that I decide to give my energy to, I always play full out. It's just who I am. Sometimes I wish I didn't have an all or nothing mentality, but I guess many of the people on DB are just like me. Either we're completely onboard with our health goals or we're in pig-out mode.
Diet Bet is definitely my 12 step program. I need to keep on Diet Betting to get back down to my goal weight and then to join the new maintenance games to stay there.
As for the diet-buster carbs....these evil little temptations will continue to plague my life, but I won't let them control me. I will CONTROL them by just saying NO!!! NO WAY!!! NOT TODAY!!!!
My 19th Diet Bet game "It's No Sin 2 Be Thin game starts on Wed. Aug. 19 and weigh ins begin on Mon. Aug. 17. As a Master DB Coach participants in my games have lost over 8700 lbs!
It's No Sin 2 Be Thin! Aug/Sept. 2015