Just checking in. I find that I do better when I keep a log going. Things I've been doing to help myself:
-set up a work out area that allows me to move
-read up on "eating right for your blood type" something I've been interested in for years, but never got around to it. Met a man at my last job who changed his life at 50 with this, and had an interesting talk. It was a good reminder of another thing I had put off & needed to do for myself. I have only started this week, but within 2 days of moderately following the conepts my allergies (which have been plaguing me for a little over a year--to the point where over the counter medication no longer works) were gone. I am quite impressed with how quickly I've seen any result. Turns out I'm allergic/intolerant to some foods & while it wasn't a bad enough to close my airways or give me a rash; my body was definately trying to tell me.
-charged my ipod to motivate me through some workouts.
-made a schedule for extra steps, leaving the van at home & using my body power. Time management has always been an issue for me, but I have to drop the excuses and make it work. This is what I want and I have to make it work.
-I've cut out just about all my alcohol consumption. Not that I've been huge on it the last few years anyways, but less than 1 drink every 2 weeks. No regular wine or coolers. They have tons of empty calories & my body doesn't react too well with it anyhow. Besides, I'm a blast without it! If I need to relax I'd rather have a bath or do some yoga. It's not as immediate, and it takes more work/planning, but the overall pay off is better.
My goal this week is to skip for a minimum of 5 minutes everyday on top any other workout. *even if its just 1minute spread out through 5 different times in the day. I use a wieghted skippping rope. If anyone reads this, leave a comment about what your goals are! I like exchanging ideas :)
Alright, that's all from me for tonight. Got to work on sleep now.
-Hope everyone stays motivated!