I hate diet articles. I hate diet books. I hate Dr. Oz. So I read everything.
(An aside: Dr. Oz wants money. He does not care about your health and does not provide anything medically useful to his viewers. Please, if you trust Dr. Oz, stop trusting him and do not blindly follow his recomendations. Read stuff. All the things. )
Over time, I have become pretty educated about nutrition and exercise and trending/changing fad diets. I have come to the conclusion that the diet that works is the one you can tolerate, and that leads to a declining number on the scale and clothes tag.
So for me, that means calorie counting. I can't cut out food groups, I can't eliminate certain compounds from my life. No, I salt food some. I eat cupcakes some. I drink an occasional soda, though usually with my occasional alcohol. I eat chocolate frequently.
And it's working for me. It might not work for you. You know what wouldn't work for me? The Paleo diet, or the Atkins, or the Zone, mediterranean, Weight Watchers, you get the idea. Zone? Math. Nope. WW? Formulating food into points-- it's calorie counting without calorie counting. I get it, I just don't like it. Volumetrics, ok, maybe-- it's similar to how I try to eat most of the time anyway. Maybe the real problem is that I don't like to be told what to do. Huh. Breakthrough. I DO WHAT I WANT!
I derailed.
So I saw this article about low-carb not being better for fat loss. And I read the article and congratulated myself on not drinking the low-carb koolaid. Then I saw an article from a year ago, saying low-carb helps weight loss. Both NPR (who I think is fairly reputable).
NPR says psyche! Don't cut carbs!
I came to two conclusions.
One: All journalism is propganda. You know this, I know this, but I still forget. It's in now to buck against the trends like low-carb and organic-- just as in as preaching the sins of GMO. In the case of these articles, they are misleading. They are not citing the same information-- and they do clarify, however it's a very subtle message. The newer article states low-carb is not better for FAT LOSS; the previous article says it is better for WEIGHT LOSS. Not the same.
Two: I need to stop reading articles that pop up on Facebook and MSN.
The point of my ramble is just that I had a donut for breakfast and it was delicious and I don't feel bad and it hasn't ruined my life, my diet, or my weight loss. You do you, I'll do me, and let's meet in the skinny part of the store to buy new clothes, ok? Ok.