Same letter is superset. I really like this new workout because it requires me to do so much mobility stretching.
I realize that so many of our problems comes from us just sitting. We sit so much! So it's a no brainer when we have so many tight muscles which cause injury. I am glad I have so many dynamic stretches involved within the workout.
I decided to start off light because it was my first time doing this and I know I will be very sore in a couple of hours.
All lifts were done barefoot.
A1 Sumo Deadlift 2 sets (195lbx2reps), 2 sets (195lbx4reps)
A2 Knee-Break Ankle Mobs 3 sets of 8 reps
B1 Barbell Reverse Lunge Front Squat Grip 5 sets (95lbsx6/side)
B2 Yoga Plex 4 sets (4/side)
C1 1 Leg RDL 3 sets (30lbx8/side)
C2 Split Stance Cable lift 2 sets (16lbsx8/side) then got too tired moved to 1 set (11 lbsx8/side) probably next week do 11 lbs because form was breaking.
D1 Wall Lat Stretch w/ Stablization 2sets 20s/side
D2 1-arm Doorway Pec Stretch 2 sets 20s/side
AB day!
Russian twists 50x 12 lb
Wall slams from crunch position 20 x 12 lb
1 min plank
1 min side plank each side
Side Note: really liking the apple watch. it gives me a goal and a little bit of a satisfaction to see all my circles. Current caloric goal each day is to burn at least 700 calories. Currently eating 1600 a day. at least 100 g protein.
Tomorrow is HIIT so I am excited. Current weight 165, BF 20%.