April 24th 2013 started off as any other day.
My alarm went off at about 10 til 6 am and I was out the door and headed to work by 6.
I had just left our housing addition and was on the highway when I got I text from my then girlfriend Sandy, to remember the Jimmy Dean biscuits she had bought for us.
Had I only turned around our lives would be so much different now!
I texted back that I would remember tomorrow and headed on in to work.
About halfway in I approached a bridge that was in a low area of I-35. Little did I know at that time it was covered in black ice! As I spun out of control I remember thinking "Oh Shit" because I new it was going to be bad.
3 vehicles went over the embankment and caught on fire, my truck was #2 and I was trapped halfway out of my truck.
When they were able to finally get me out, they rushed me to K.U. Hospital which has one of the best burn units in the nation. I had 3rd and 4th degrees burns over 65% of my body and my legs were burnt so badly that they had to be removed above my knees, called an Above the Knee Bi-Lateral Amputation.
After 11 months and 2 days away, I was finally able to come home. I still had many open sores and needed regular medical attention but the worst was behind us.(I say us because while I was in the Burn unit ICU Sandy and I were married, And she has been with me through this whole process).
Fast forward to today and you will see that I have completely healed of any lingering sores. I have been in Physical Therapy since the beginning of 2015. I have had prosthetics fitted for me. I am in the continuing process of learning to walk. And now, to make this portion of my life easier I must succeed at the challenge of losing about 100lbs.
At one time, during my healing process, due to being in a coma, and then nothing tasting good after, I had lost enough weight that I was in the "Normal" range of my height and weight ratio.
But like most over eaters once my taste buds woke up I put the pounds back on pretty quickly.
Before the accident I weighed as much as 370lbs. I'm not near that now, but if I still had
my legs I bet I would be pushing it.
So here we go. Wish me luck. Stay with me as I lose weight and become a healthier person.