I am 47 years old.
And today, I weigh less than I have since I graduated high school!
I'm writing this today, because I've read several posts lately by folks who are questioning if they can actually make a change. If they really have it in them to alter their habits and live a healthier, happier life.
YES! You can!!
Here is my story:
I weighed 153 lbs when I got married at age 19. At 5"8", that put me smack dab in the middle of a healthy weight range. However, I did not practice a healthy lifestyle. I lived on french fries and pizza, and - now that I owned my first television with remote control (lol!)- I became a couch potato. By the time I reached 30 I had gained 4 babies and about 30 lbs.
I really tried to lose the weight. I joined gyms, tried every fad diet that came around, and sometimes managed to lose 10 or 15 lbs - but as soon as the diet was over the lbs just piled back on and brought a few friends with them. I lived with back pain, suffered from depression, and just generally felt a sense of hopelessness that I could ever change my life.
By the time I hit the mid thirties I was hovering near 195 lbs and felt miserable. So, my husband and I decided this was the perfect time to have a couple more kids!! lol!
So, that's what we did. But, throughout the two pregnancies I planned my weight loss. I had a friend who had lost a bunch of weight through Weight Watchers, and had been keeping it off for several years, so I decided that after Baby #6 was born, I was hitting the local WW...
and I was NOT going to fail.
In late January 2007, I carried my 4 week old daughter into a local WW meeting and signed up. Since I had been pretty sick during her pregnancy, I had not gained any baby weight, so I started at 190 lbs.
I was determined.
I was committed.
There was no back door, no escape plan, no turning back.
It only took 9 short months for me to lose 34 lbs, and totally change my life! In October 2007 I became a Lifetime Weight Watcher at 156 lbs.
back pain-gone!
continual tiredness - gone
self esteem - WOW! Who knew I even had that?!
In October, I will celebrate 7 years of maintanence! I have stayed between 150 and 160 lbs for the entire 7 years. I've lived through stress, accidents, 2 children getting married, becoming a grandma - but the lifestyle changes I learned during that 9 months have completely reinvented ME!
How have I done it?
- Get rid of every item of clothing even the least bit loose! Do not leave yourself any wiggle room!
- Be aware of what you are eating. I've pretty much been counting calories for 7 years now.
- Do not buy and bring into your house food that you know is your weakness. All of my kids snacks are things that I don't really like - lol!
- Make EXERCISE a priority! I cannot emphasize this enough! I've gone through all sorts of exercise passions... first it was the elliptical, then weight lifting, then Zumba, and now running. Whatever your exercise of choice make it a non negotiable part of your life, like a job or brushing your teeth.
- When the clothes get tight - do something! Join dietbet, get on my fitness pal, sign up with a personal trainer - whatever works for you. Just make sure you do something to get out of the rut before it gets big enough that you cannot easily crawl out.
I'm on Dietbet now because I want to reach my dream weight of 140 lbs. I tend to derail my dieting once I reach 150lbs because ... well, it gets really hard, y'all! My body obviously wants to be 155-ish :) But if there is one thing the last 7 years has taught me, it is that you can either master your body, or let your body master you! There is no middle ground.
Today, I am reminding myself that I AM the master of ME!
And you ARE the master of YOU!!!
Be encouraged today! You are stronger than you think!