It's crunch time.
Mmm... crunch... Buncha Crunch... No! Bad!
Back on point. By crunch time, I mean my wedding is in 122 days. What better motivitaion than THAT to finally kick my butt into gear and feel my 100% BEST on my wedding day?
The picture I posted is of me and my wonderful fiance on Christmas day in our matching Christmas jammies. He looks as handsome as ever, but all I can focus on is the life preserver around my waist. Oh wait, I'm not in a pool. Hello, belly! How about in 2016, let's all say, "Bye Bye Belly!"
Any other brides out there getting married in 2016? What lifestyle changes are you making to lose your 4%? For me it's WeightWatchers for portion control, less artificial foods and sweeteners, and of course more cardio! Oh, and limiting my long-term relationship with Diet Coke. Let's hear it!