This week has been a doozie.
I made the decision to do DietBet and the earth rejoiced by sending a brilliant ice storm that snapped off magnificent old trees like twigs and left the majority of my community in the dark (literally) for 3 days and nights. Doesn't sound like a long time per se, but when you are sleeping in a strange bed without proper luggage, dreaming of your ever-increasing to-do list back home, it feels like an eternity.
I haven't been so cold (or tired or discouraged) in recent memory.
One night, instead of counting sheep, I lay in bed and began ticking through the reasons this is not the right time for me to do DietBet:
I am busy.
I'm a working mom.
I have a massive project due April 1.
My house is a mess.
What if I fail?
I'm tired.
I don't know what I'm doing.
(Did I mention my basement/family room flooded during the ice storm?)
And then I had a thought--one of those aha moments Oprah's always singing about--and I realized this craziness is my normal. Oh, maybe next week it won't be a flood, but it'll probably be something else. If I keep waiting for the right time to get healthy, it'll never happen.
I've spent 35 years waiting for the right time and look where it's gotten me. I must figure out how to get healthy and make right choices in the midst of the mess.
Curve balls or not, it's now or never.