Today work was a little crazy, and by crazy I mean BUSY. My day started out with me running late... again. Unfortunately this led to me throwing random things in a bag and hoping that I wouldn't go over my points for the day. Well I succeeded in not going over by definitely not bringing enough. The other thing to remember is if a substanial part of your lunch is in cans you should probably bring a can opener :) I didn't. The cafeteria called to me all day, they have cookies... and brownies... and glorious carbs. Luckily a good friend who is doing weight watchers as well convinced me, and by convinced me I mean guilted me into not going. Good friend :) By the time lunch time rolled around I was super excited because I had finally tried one of those pinterest weight watcher recipes I always pin and then forget about, and it was delicious! Turkey meatloaf muffins - sounds weird but bear with me! If any of you are trying weight watchers you should try these things. They're only 2 smart points each! They look like this (I'm not a chef, don't judge my plating skills!)

- 1.25 pound 99% fat free ground turkey
- 1 cup chopped onion
- 1 slice of bread (I use sara lee multigrain 45 calorie bread, its only 1 point per slice)
- 1 egg
- 2 tbs worcestershire sauce (i didn't use this)
- 1/2 cup barbeque sauce
- 1/4 salt
- pepper to taste
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Toast your bread and then blend it to breadcrumbs. Mix everything together. Grease 9 muffin tins and distribute evenly. Flatten out the tops and spread and top with a small amount of barbeque sauce (I just used what was left over in my measuring cup). Bake for 40 mins (I got very distracted trying to get my kids to bed... don't do this, your muffins will burn!)
Two more days until my first weight in for weight watchers! Wish me luck!