Getting motivated is hard. Sticking with it is harder. Here are some of the things that motivate me:
- Fitting into my size 8 pants again (or 10s even)
- Not having to wear pants under my dresses because my legs rub together
- Not looking pregnant when I'm not
- getting my hormones balanced so I can get pregnant (in which case I wouldn't mind looking pregnant)
- having my body work properly so I don't need medications
- Not being on the edge of diabetes
- eating heathy so I feel awesome and not sluggish
- staying flexible
- building muscle
- losing the flabby arms
- not being dependant on chocolate to feel better when I'm sad/lonely
- feeling attractive
- feeling peaceful about myself
- feeling productive about my goals in life
- being able to run a 5k
- being able to earn my 2nd degree black belt
- Sleeping more and better quality
I seem to do better focusing on a new motivator every few days to keep things fresh. Today's motivator: eating healthy so I don't feel sluggish!