im calling this blog "lead by example" because i want to set the best example for my kids and others around me. im not exactly sure how to blog believe it or not, but im just going to share my goals and hope others will add encouragement or tell me their goals as well, we can do this together.
I am going to be 30 next year, just got out of the army a few months ago, after long 8 years and one long deployment to Afghanistan in 2011, i am a certified personl trainer but i cannot train people in my condition. fat that is...
i am a huge fan of american ninja warrior and plan on competing in 5 years.
i am also a big fan of chris and heidi, they are very inspiring and meeting them is on my bucket list.
so why am i obese? it started after i moved in with my now fiancee i drank more ate out more and a few years later had our first child. deployed when he was a year and a half and when he was almost 3 i got pregnant with our second .i did work with a personal trainer for a few months durring the pregnancy but now i am 50lbs over pre baby weight and almost 100lbs heavier than i was 8 years ago :( im getting really depressed about it. i also lost a friend a year ago because of her weight and poor health she had a heart attack in her sleep. i cant do that to my family.
the hard part is....my fiancee is NOT supportive and does not encourage me to lose weight. he gets angry whe i want to eat healthy or talk about things being unhelathy....
so basically i am looking for support, i need encouragement and support thank you.