I find it easiest to stay accountable when I post in multiple areas and make it well known what exerise challenges I am currently completing. I started the 7 Blogilates 30 Day Challenge Calendars on January 10 when I joined my 3 4 week DietBets. I do the Journey to Splits one first to start with some stretching. Then I do the Ab Challenge, the Butt Lift Challenge, the Thigh Slimming Challenge, the Sleek Arms Challenge, the Waister Trainer Challenge and finish with The Stretch Project one to strech out again before I end my session. I do these exercises usally somewhere between 11 pm and 12 am before I go to bed to finish out my day. I completed Day 15 on Sunday Jan. 24. You can find these challenges if you go to www.blogilates.com. This site is run by Cassey Ho and she developed these challenges. She has a Blogilates Youtube channel with lots of Pilates videos as well.
When I joined the DietBets, I joined one hosted by Katie Dunlop who has the website www.lovesweatfitness.com and runs the lovesweatfitness Youtube Channel. I also found her DietBet Challenge on the second day of her DietBet and have so far finished 8 days of it. You can find it at her webiste mentioned above, but you need a password to access it. She has other challenges on her page too. This one and I'm sure the others are filled with a combination of her youtube videos.
These are currently my two favorite Youtube Channels and fitness websites. I highly recommend them.