I think it's finally time to stop procrastinating and expecting results out of the work that I haven't put in. Coming into 2016 and recently started watching the Biggest Loser, I have now realized that in order to get where I want to be, I have to have the determination and put in the work. I think I also have to learn to let go of the resentment that I feel towards myself.
For several years I have been very unhappy. In the past couple of days since comitting to this DietBet, I have realized that a large majority of my unhappiness has stemmed from the fact that I am unhappy with myself. Throughout this journey, I want to learn to love myself and who I become to be.
I know that this is going to be a long road, but I hope that this next 4 weeks is the jumpstart that I need to make my goal. My goal is to reach 150 pounds by my dad's wedding in March of 2017. I hope that my weight loss will also fuel my family to lose weight too, seeing as both of my parents are overweight.
---Some background--
I used to be a fit soccer player. I wasn't the smallest player; I had big legs, but I generally liked the way I looked. I tended to feel negative towards myself based on how other girls my age looked, or because my mom would make comments on my appearance. I have always struggled with who I am. It wasn't until my junior year in high school that I truly hit rock bottom. Over the course of my junior and senior year, I had three knee surgeries, one of them being a donor graft transplant. I could no longer play soccer, and felt that I missed out on a lot of opportunities, including becoming a team captain.
My physical health and eventually mental health began to affect me. My junior year I was also told by my church that they were not going to confirm me. This wasn't particularly devastating to me, but it hurt me because I knew that my parents were disappointed in me. I was also hurting because I had moved out of my mom's house because I couldn't stand to live with her anymore. She was mentally and emotionally abusive, and we couldn't get along. This meant that I had to move into my father's house where he lived with his girlfriend (the woman he had had an affair with). My junior year I was admited to an outpatient program to try and teach me skills to manage my depression and anxiety.
After treatment, I finished my junior year and got a job for the summer. Things were going great, until the stress of school dawned on me. I became very depressed, went out less, and gained weight. I became very unhealthy and spent large amounts of my time in my room in bed and sleeping. In September of my senior year of high school, I ended up having a suicide attempt because I hated myself and couldn't stand to live anymore because I thought I was a disappointment and burden to my family. After a week in the hospital, I promised myself and my family that I would never hurt myself and would be there for the long haul.
It has now been over a year since my suicide attempt, and over two years since my first surgery. I am currently at my heaviest weight, but am anxious to become the best I can be. Watching the Biggest Loser and Team Jen has given me great motivation to strive for my goals. I also have a great support system of family and my best friend that continue to push me. I think that by losing weight I will not only shed the pounds, but also the sadness and resentment that I feel for myself.
I am currently enrolled as a freshman in college.