What does Success mean to you?
Success will mean something different to each individual. Whether it's the:
- Number on the scale
- Compliments from friends/family
- Smaller clothes
- Better health
- Self-confidence
- All of the above
Whatever success means to you, the only way to get there is by taking the first step. So decide what that first step is going to be. Will you:
- Drink more water
- Move a little more
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Find a great support system
- Eat less sugar
The possibilities of first steps are endless. Choose one and add more steps from there one day at a time.
Just remember, in succeeding, it's not the first one to the finish line or who lost the most weight. Prove to yourself that you can start the race, overcome the obstacles and finish the race strong.
The DietBet challenges are meant to be a support system, pushing each other to be the best we can be. So join any of the open challenges and find your success!