My little brother has fur and a tail, and isn't that little, but a german shepherd of fifty fit kiloes.( more than 100 pounds) Luckily he is an elderly gent, so he is satisfied with my pace when we are walking. Normally. Today we went only one and a half K on our lunch walk, but really uphill. My car cannot do that hill.
But what did he do after our climb and playing in the garden( bigger than two soccer fields+ a strip of woods) as I was carrying firewood,- he saw another dog just outside the fence, and ran trough the fence. Strait through, didn't even slow down. He is not aggressive, he just wanted to say hello, but I can understand that he is rather scary. I started running down the icy road to get him, and the stupid woman outside the fence started running away. As if she could outrun him. But the lady was rather fit, so I had to chase them up into the woods along the other hill for some minutes before he decided he would rather be with me anyways..
Now I can hardly walk, and my back is screaming. The intake of icy cold air was a little too much also, so I have a sore throat and swill down ginger-lemon tea/ infusion. I didnt finish the firewod either, so I have to go out again in a few minutes, and my back is scared now! I mended the fence, so he cannot repeat his performance, and neither can I. I declare todays workout done!
Thank the Lord, this was one of my better days; I didn't twist anything or fall on the ice, but I know tomorrow is going to be another story. Flatland walksies tomorrow!
In the pic, he is unwrapping his christmas gifts. He love stuffed animals, and in cold weather he brings them to sit in a semi-circle around the fireplace to warm themselves. In the summer he gives them a dip in the kiddiepool...