I try all the time to come up ways to approach my mindset. One of them is: "what would skinny people do="
I use it at the gym, when I want to give up,-wwspd?
I use it when I want another helping,- wwspd?
Of course, most skinny people are just like us, they just never had that urge or craving, I am thinking about those who have to actively fight to maintain their weight and health. Those who have to regulate their intake and who keep showing up at the gym, running or bicycling for hours. The diffrence between them and me is mainly that I let it slide for too long, not caring what it did to me. I have a lot of skinny friends, and I try to observe them.
There are skinny people with the same weight loss resistance as me with the same chalenges. so I try to figure out what makes the difference. How can I be like them?
They say they have no energy, but go for a run or to the gym.
They say they can eat everything; they just don't want suger or fat.
They leave food at the plate, because they stop eating when they feel not hungry, and don't keep at it until they are full.
They spend some time on their apperances with hairdressing, makeup and all that stuff I never understood.
They have an active, healthy lifestyle ( or some are the completely opposite and live on sugar or alcohol, of course, but they are not interesting in this equation,)
They are not afraid of hurting themselves by overdoing things, but keep pushing forwards.
They almost never say: "just one slice", they say ;"no yhank you"
They dont give a rats ass if somebody made a lot of deilcious food just for them, they just say no, and eat what they always do and nothing more
They opt for the lean (and bland )foods even when on hotel hollidays
They are willing to sacrifice to do whatever it takes to keep them healthy. Not only guilty pleasures, but also time with their family and friends. ( They may even refuse to engage their strong bodies to help you move, because they need to go to the gym that day, but not too many of them, thank God!) It takes a certain amount of selfishness. I really struggle with that one.
My biggest mistake for years, was that I lived like a fat lady. I nourished the idea that I was unattractive and out of shape, and that nothing I did would make it better. Of course I was wrong! After that realizaton, I try to stay active, feel obliged to myself to go to the gym thrice a week. Sometimes I do a lot more, but I try to be realistic.
The insanity is that I could sit down for an entire evening and night, stuffing my face without really tasting anything, because I was depressed _ about beeing fat. Wonderful logic.
I try to live like skinny people now. My portion sizes may still be too big at times, but mainly I stick to plan. I am not active all day long. Not yet, but I try to increase on-my-feet-time, and have put my stationary bike in front of the tv. I look at it and ask myself: what would skinny people do?