The finish line is in site.......
What I learn by doing DietBet!
- It is very stressful! I started out strong, determined and hopeful. I started an aggressive exercise routine, kept track of my calories on My Fitness Pal, and packed healthy foods I could eat every day for lunch, read labels, drank tons of water and learned. However, in the first two weeks, I only lost ½ pound. I could not figure out what was wrong. I reevaluate everything I was doing and spoke with a nutritionist. Here is what I learned. Although, not impossible to lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks can be very difficult especially if you are already on a lower calorie maintenance plan like I am. I think that the most important thing, I learned from below is that if I go over my calorie limit everyday by 100 calories every day and I don’t exercise, in one year it is possible to gain 10 lbs. (100 lbs x 365 days =36,500 extra calories /3,500 calories =10.4 lbs)
“Recommended weekly weight-loss goals for most women are one to two pounds weekly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC notes that adults who lose weight at this pace are more likely to keep lost weight off long-term. To reach this one- to two-pound-per-week weight-loss goal, aim to reduce your intake by 500 to 1,000 calories daily, since one pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories.”
- Experience with the program leads to better success. If I were to do Dietbet again, I would look for games that had a slower weight. There are some people in our group which have done other bets and won. I think understanding what you are cable of is key. I have enjoyed and been encouraged by others stories and it has help keep me motivated.
- I realized that I am not alone in my journey. It was a tremendous support knowing that I friends and co-workings working on the same goals. We can be each other’s cheerleaders.
- I got out of my rut and tried new foods, exercises and made living health a priority. My personal best is that I discovered I liked kale in place of lettuce and it is very good for you. The most important thing I learned is that a daily workout is NOT a daily chore. It is now something that I look forward and I am sad if I have to miss it. It is fun and I am part of a group (community) with similar goals. I am meeting new friends with similar interests. I also learned that if you use music for solitary routines, you don’t even realize you are exercising.
I am glad I joined but I am not sure I would do again. It is an excellent way to be motivated and accountable but it should not be so stressful that you make poor decisions regarding your health in order to win not lose.