Things to keep in mind
You will need to make sure you eat 5 times a day. to figure out how many calories to eat when you will divide your chosen amount of intake calories and divide that # by 4. Then take 1 of them and divide by 2. This gives you 3 meals and 2 snacks. for example- If you choose to eat 1400 calories a day you will eat 3 meals at 350 calories and 2 snacks at 175 calories. 1400/4=350, 350/2=175
You want to eat within 30 minutes of waking up. By doing this you are letting your body know it's time to wake up and start working for you.
After you 1st meal you want to eat every 3-4 hours depending on your schedule. You need to eat regardless if you feel hungry or not. You also need to eat the allotted amount of calories. For example- If you wake up at 6am you should have your meal by 6:30am. You will then at the following times. Between 9:30am-10:30am; 12:30pm-1:30pm; 4:30pm-5:30pm; 7:30pm-8 if needed
You MUST WRITE down EVERYTHING BEFORE you put it in your mouth. I suggest carrying around a small notepad and the app my fitness pal if you are not doing this on your mobile device and using an app to track your calories.
Make sure you ALWAYS have a water bottle with you at ALL times. Also make sure to DRINK plenty of water. A GALLON a day
Try to get in at least 10,000 steps every day 6 days a week.
Those who work out in the morning will usually get their calorie burn in early in the day than those who wait until the evening to work out.
Remember on your high calorie day you still need to eat 5 times that day. So make sure you divide your calories accordingly. I eat 1400 5 days a week 1600-1800 2 days a week.
On your day of REST, you are NOT to workout. However, this does not mean you need to stay on the couch and not move. This is a day to relax, reflect and refeul emotionally and spiritually, so you will not need to worry about your activity level this day. I like to reserve this day for a day I know I'm going to be active but not going to the gym. For example- If I plan to go out dancing or if I know I have tons of errands to run and I'm going to be out and about all day.