Day 10 Goal: Do NOT eat after dark. Do NOT carbo load.
Day 10 AM: 15 oz water
Day 10 Lunch: 16 oz Powerade Zero, 8 oz potato leek soup (110)
Day 10 PM: 16 oz Powerade Zero
I'm excited because I actually remembered to bring my running gear with me to work. Now I can run home (4.5 miles) instead of just walking to the U.
I don't know why, but I was feeling super nauseas all afternoon! I ended up walk/jogging to the U. I felt worse by the time I got home, and spent a few hours sipping on water before I abruptly threw up around 8:30! I didn't even have time to get up out of bed, just rolled over and tried my best to aim for the trash bin that's there. Immediately felt better (albiet super sweaty) after I finished. Weird :|