Had a little "Aha!" moment this week. I spent 5 days visiting dear friends, attending a baby shower, and then hangin with my mom. I had just barely made my weigh in goal, and immediately set off to start eating with friends. My intentions were to be good, but I knew I'd probably have a few bad things.
The friends visit involved cookies and cake, but overall, not so bad. Less than 2k cal a day. Then, there was mom. That woman eats like nobody's business!! Pancakes, and pastries, and ice cream, milkshakes, pie and then mexican food, and... holy wow!!! I gained 5 lbs from Sun - Thurs.
It felt impossible to resist her, and I got into this mindset of, "Well, I've already blown it, might as well enjoy it, and clean up the diet when I get home!" I had been home for only a few hours, it was late, and trying not to eat any more... but I was hungry! I asked hubs to hand me the mixed nuts. He told me NO. I had mentioned before that I shouldn't eat them because they added too many calories. I argued with him, but he wouldn't give them to me!! I was SO annoyed! But I quickly thanked him, and moved on. He apologized for eating the nuts in front of me, and I had a carrot.
That was the moment that I got back on track. If it hadn't been for him, I think it's likely that I would've continued with that bad cycle. I am SO grateful for his support!!! I've already lost 2 of the 5lbs, and I hope to shake the rest off by Weigh-in Wednesday.
Not only did we break the cycle, I think I may have a new tool for the next time I get off track!!
One more step on the path to a healthy LIFESTYLE.