my second weigh in for the transformer was today. All last week I was weighing in at 1-2 pounds under my goal. I went to Margaritafest yesterday and didn't drink enough water and woke up to a 4 pound weight gain. I didn't eat or drink anything all day until I weighed in 2 pounds lighter...at 5:30pm. Then I grilled half an onion, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of green onions, 5 tomatoes, a zucchini, and a veggie burger. And no I didn't eat it all lol no regrets on Margaritafest. It was a blast as always.
Its so weird looking at current pictures of myself and then seeing the Facebook "memories." It's nice to be able to take a picture and not be thinking about how much I can smile before my cheeks look to big or how to angle my head just enough to hide my double chin. Weight loss has definitely slowed down, and lately I feel like I'm only losing from my boobs, but I'll just keep swimming and see what happens.