Oh my ladies!! What a weekend it was for me.
So, remember my goals of making it to the gym Sat (Day 12) and Sun (Day 13) - NOPE! I failed big time becasue of this knee pain. I finally went to the doctor yesterday (Day 14) becasue of how bad it got - turns out i've sparined BOTH knees. I've been put on meds, been told to wrap both daily and have to continue iceing and elevating. This has discouraged me BIG TIME! I'm on restriction from cardio for awhile or atleast until i'm feeling a difference becasue continuing at the moment is only keeping my body from healing...
BUT - I'm not going to let this keep me from working on my upper body routines. I've made plans for the gym tonight and Friday. Hoepfully I can talk my husband into allowing me to go after school on Thursday, but i'm sure i'll get another frantic "somethings gone wrong, i'm freaking out being alone with the baby, come home quick, SOS" call! hahahaha I'll keep y'all updated on that ;)
I've always been good about eatting clean (working on portion control at dinner time) and i'm still waist training (the only thing keeping me feeling like i'm progressing LOL) Only time will tell at this point!
I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween with their loved ones! :D