Well, is not easy to admit that we are sabotaging ourselves. First of all, because is just us against myself, it's not our mom, our dad or our boyfriend : IT'S ME. We know our mother, dad and boyfriend very well, but it's very different when it's about us.
In the last months I realized how good I'm when the subject is to tell lies to myself.
"You are going to recover it later"
"she will be upset if you say no"
"Is never too late to start, let's start tomorrow!"
"Ok, I'm going to take care of myself, let me write notes, and create this spreadsheet in Excel about my meals for the next few years, find some very rare food to eat and prepare"
"It's just a little piece"
And one of my favorite :
"Is not possible that something so hard can be right"
And very often I just don't think. Especially before doing something very hurtful to me. I just shut down to any kind of honest conversation with myself about what I'm about to do.
Thinking and acting like that during all my life only leaded me to this moment and in this moment is too hard to live in my own skin.
In my heart I know every single lie I told to myself but the only thing that lies cannot hide are the consequences, especially consequences of lies that we tell to ourselves.
So, this system, DietBet, is a very straight forward system and the consequences come very quickly. I can lie to everybody, but in the end of the estimated time, will be me that will lose the money and the oportunity to be honest with the most important person in my life : ME.
We usually forget how important we are to ourselves...
I think all this thing about weight loss is about love, at least for me and It's amazing what a bit of love can do. And I don't mean the cute, fluffy and flawlless love. I mean the love that will make you sweat, cry and face your worst enemies daily. But in the in the end of hardest day, is this love that will be with you and keep you moving on, stronger.
* sorry for the english, is not my native language