Hi everyone!
I started my weight loss journey this summer after spending two days in the hospital for a possible heart attack,
I had reached my all time high of 260 lbs. It was painful. For the last few years I didnt just stay away from cameras, pictures and social events, I litterally ran away. I couldnt deal with it. Anytime I saw my reflection through glass or in the mirror, I wanted to cry. I. Hated. Myself.
An injury and being a single mom with a low income made it almost impossible for me to work out, but plenty of time to overeat while my youngest was asleep.
I ate because I had an exhausting day, I ate because I was depressed, starving, drained, angry, you name it. All excuse was a good excuse.
Until one day, heading to work, I started having chest pain, and felt completely drained. I still made it to work, thinking it was gonna pass, but it didn't, and my coworkers called an ambulance.
Doctors were concerned enough to keep me overnight for two days before sending me home.
After meeting with my primary doctor, and him explaining to me that I had metabolic syndrome, hypothryroidism, insulin resistance, high cholesterol and a few other things, I went home even more depressed. I wish it had been enough to kick my willpower into high gear, but I needed some time to digest all the information I had been given.
Tick tock, tick tock, I hate myself, Tick Tock, not enough to change myself, Tick Tock...
After about a month, I decided it was time to take my life back into my own hands and started losing weight. It wasn't easy. Injuries were preventing me to work out, pain was my constant companion, my youngest was sick all the time. but day by day, and sometimes minute by minute I continued my journey.
Fast forward almost 6 months later, I am on the verge of hitting my first major milestone.
50 out of 100 pounds gone. Exercising is still extremely difficult for me, physically. My injuries are still painful and sometimes I need all of my energy to just get out of bed in the morning. but I get up every day and I walk, and watch what I eat on a daily basis.
Am I perfect every day? No way. I fall, I make mistakes, but I always get back on. Because the question isnt whether you will fall, but whether you will get back on when you fall.
To celebrate my upcoming milestone, I created my own challenge. (find the link here if you are ready to get started again http://dbet.me/djirJH ) and to make it a bit more fun, I decided to do a 30 day plank challenge along my dietbet challenge, will you join me?
Also, I am planning on adding a few surprises (who can say no to free stuff) if we have more than 100 participants because I want you to celebrate with me my new milestone and have fun.
I intend to plunge into my new goal and continue my weight loss and my new journey to health.
I would love your feedback and you joining me in my new challenge!
Wishing you all the best in your journey
yours Truly,