I was always a skinny child. Through my awkward teenage years I was skinny and lanky. I may have weighed 115lbs when I married the first time when I was 19. I soon after that filled in and matured into a woman and weighed approx 130. I had four pregnancies, 2003, 2004, 2006 & 2007 and never weighed more than 167#. Post baby weight I fluctuated in between 145-155. I went through a divorce in 2013 and maintained 155# at age 31. I fell head over heals for my US Airman and we married shortly thereafter in November of 2014. Up until that point I had NEVER exercised a day in my life other than PE in school (does that even count?!), I joined my local SnapFitness and began working out during my lunch hour. I quickly got obsessed with it because I was seeing great results and added running after work to my daily routine as well. I got down to 133#. I was the happiest and most confident I have ever been. I felt great! We purchased a house in July of 2015 and I got out of the routine of going to the gym during lunch, because I would instead go home and tidy up. Soon after that the evening running stopped. I gradually gained my weight back to 155. I weighed 155 for a good while. I had my yearly physical in October of 2016 and weighed 155. I talked with the dr. about how I wanted to lose that weight again and he recommended me counting calories and exercise as I am a paralegal and spend most of my days to a computer. I didn't change one thing. :( I had to be weighed again on December 5th and I about fell out, I had gained TWENTY pounds in those two months. How did that happen?!?!?!? I'm ready to feel good both mentally and physically, so I signed up for the Diet Bet. You can follow me on Instagram at anewbeginningtoabetterme.