Resolution Roundup
My first week 3 post ended up being really long so I decided to make the resolution roundup separate... but I didn't forget about it!! Here we go... *drum roll*
- Lose 10% BW in 6 mo - Progress as of 1/23: -4.2% (down from -3.9% last week). Doing well and ahead of schedule, but my progress is slowing down. That's expected, and I still feel good about it. I'm confident that I should make my goal by the 6 month point, however I'm sure the last few pounds will put up a fight ;P
- Workout (at least) 30 mins 3x/week - DONE! Crushed this one this week!!!! Back-to-back Daily Burn workouts Monday and a single DB workout Tuesday, Thursday I had non-traditional workout (i,e., cleaning/cooking for hockey night with friends), went for runs on Fri (4.3 mi) and Sat (3.3 mi) and actually enjoyed them thanks to Zombies, Runand and, finally, did 55 mins of recovery yoga Sunday night before bed.
- Eat at least one serving of fruit/veg with every meal - A little better than last week I think since I sort of had the thought in the back of my mind while I was eating most of the time. Sat/Sun dinners were a definite NOPE, but I had plenty of veg/fruit earlier in the days so I'm not going to get too hung up over it. Still need to a tracking system!!
- Savings - SETBACK: Had to move around some funds to cover overspending on other items which took a little more out of my savings goals, but my moving category remains fully funded. Still waiting to hear more about the moving situation. Timing and level of management support is likely to be unclear for a while still, but i'm going to continue to assume that it will happen.
Overall, I'm pretty happy.
In a perfect world some things could have been better, but guess what? IT'S NOT A PERFECT WORLD!!
Things are going well and everything feels sustainable. I don't feel starving/deprived, I'm enjoying my workouts (and introducing some more variety thanks to Zombies, Run!), I've been better about creating more balanced meals (though quantification of goal 3 is STILL lacking), and the savings just is what it is.... I still firmly believe that the goal is attainable, it will just be a little slower than I had hoped.
In other news, I've figured out how to add inline pictures (obviously)... I'll have another post later this week with then and now pictures of the dress from my cousin's wedding.