Get into the habit of 5 small meals a day. You are going to need to eat every two to three hours. On top of these meals you will consumer 3 cups of water as soon as you are done eating. This will give you the sense of being full and energized.
Portion size according to your palm!! Hold your palm out... Your protein should cover the palm of your hand. Hold two palms out, each meal should have a mix of fruits and veggies to fill both hands cupped. Hold out one hand, starchy carbs should fill 1 hand. This is the easiest way and best way to portion out your food for fat loss.
Another tip... only two- three meals a day should contain starchy carbs such as brown rice, whole grain toast, oatmeal, sweet potato, banana. Try to keep the meals with starchy carbs around your scheduled workout. The rest of your meals should be a lean protein such as fish, chicken and lean steak, and your portion of veggies and fruits. Your fruits should be non starchy. If you have more questions on this please don't hesitate with ask.
Pick up a Swell Water bottle, or purchase a gallon jug. Plain and simple, you need a gallon of water a day on this journey. You will experience less hunger and more energy with a gallon of water a day. If you don't drink enough water, your body will show signs of hunger and low energy. Water is a major component of this.
Tell everyone what you are doing, and how long for. Tell everyone that you intend on making this a lifestyle change and that you are going to need them to help you stay on track. Public accountability will help you to stay accountable to your goals. Everyone is watching you to see you succeed. You need this.
Keep a journal. Write down everything that you eat and everything that you feel. You'll get the hang of this!