Hi, beautiful peeps! I'm over the moon today, just won a Kickstarter game which has kept me super motivated in the past 30 days. February was a hard month for me as for a lot of us, but I was so terrified before the Kickstarter weigh-in that I pushed myself very hard with the workouts, so my weight started moving downwards LOL
My wedding and honeymoon are coming up in two months, which is my main inspiration, keeps me focussed :) Just joined another game (this one). I can squeeze one game in still, after that we'll be busy preparing for the big event anyway.
One of the commenters mentioned the 30-day shredder program, I was not familiar with it before, but googled it and started 7 days ago. It seems really efficient so far, probably helped a lot with my weight loss in the past few days. I'm not sure how efficient it is at a higher fitness level, but where I am now, it makes me sweat quite a bit :)
Spring has arrived in the UK, the park was full up today with anglers, toddlers, dogs, families, even some guys dancing to their rap music. Happy spring to everyone, keep up the great work!