Our diet bet starts in 2 weeks and I want you all to be succesful! I will help you before and during the diet bet to make sure you reach your goals. This can all seem a little overwhelming when starting out but it doesn't have to be. Small lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on your overall health.
1) Start with a healthy eating plan. Make small gradual changes to your current eating plan now so it's not such a shock when we start. Try swapping a cookie for a piece of fruit. If you like almonds or walnuts try snacking on them instead of chips. Small gradual changes will make a huge difference.
2) Set attainable goals. I have quite a bit of weight to lose but if I set a goal to lose 50 pounds in 30 days, I am setting myself up for failure when I can't reach those goals. I love that Diet Bet has a minimum requirement of 4%. At 200 pounds that is asking you to lose 8 pounds. That is about 2 pounds per week which is a healthy rate to lose weight and keep it off. All of these pounds will add up as we continue our journey and each and everyone counts.
3) Reward yourself for meeting your mini-goals. Did you work out 5 days this week? Give yourself a pat on the back. Did you meet all your food goals? Reward yourslef by going to a movie or getting a pedi. Take care of yourself and congratulate yourself for your accomplishments while on this journey.
4) If you cheat or fall off the wagon, don't quit! It's human nature to slip up once and give up. What good will that do you? Stay with the game. Move on from whatever you did and pick up where you left off. You can do this!!!
5) Try tracking your meals and exercise. I will be using MyFitnessPal. Add me as a friend....My username is: milissamartinidesigns
Having each other in this group setting to motivate and push each other will only make our outcomes better! We can do this!!!
<3 <3 <3
Milissa Martini
Join our game: http://dbet.me/N4qr0s